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path: root/modules/vscode.nix
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authorazahi <azat@bahawi.net>2025-03-12 20:17:13 +0300
committerazahi <azat@bahawi.net>2025-03-12 20:17:13 +0300
commitc81dc5a13b469c511fac6fa2390b70422d1b4da5 (patch)
tree4dab5909006ab5c25da6bd9fde6a714c7719ded7 /modules/vscode.nix
parent2025-02-17 (diff)
2025-03-12 HEAD master
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/modules/vscode.nix b/modules/vscode.nix
index 0eebdda..2383409 100644
--- a/modules/vscode.nix
+++ b/modules/vscode.nix
@@ -45,192 +45,169 @@ in
           inherit (cfg) package;
-          extensions =
-            with pkgs.open-vsx;
-            [
-              editorconfig.editorconfig
-              efoerster.texlab
-              github.vscode-pull-request-github
-              golang.go
-              graphql.vscode-graphql
-              graphql.vscode-graphql-execution
-              graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax
-              hashicorp.hcl
-              hashicorp.terraform
-              haskell.haskell
-              jnoortheen.nix-ide
-              kahole.magit
-              mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode
-              mkhl.direnv
-              ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
-              ms-python.python
-              redhat.ansible
-              redhat.vscode-xml
-              redhat.vscode-yaml
-              rust-lang.rust
-              signageos.signageos-vscode-sops
-              skellock.just
-              streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
-              streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-russian
-              streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-scientific-terms
-              tamasfe.even-better-toml
-              task.vscode-task
-              vscode-org-mode.org-mode
-            ]
-            ++ lib.optional cfg.vim.enable vscodevim.vim;
-          userSettings = {
-            # Something tries to write this every startup. I can't be arsed to
-            # figure out what, so I'll leave this like this.
-            "accessibility.signals.terminalBell".sound = "on";
-            editor = {
-              codeLens = false;
-              cursorStyle = "block";
-              detectIndentation = true;
-              minimap.enabled = false;
-              renderWhitespace = "trailing";
-              rulers = [
-                80
-                120
-              ];
-              smoothScrolling = false;
-              tabCompletion = "on";
-              cursorSurroundingLines = 10;
-              scrollBeyondLastColumn = 10;
-            };
+          profiles.default = {
+            extensions =
+              with pkgs.open-vsx;
+              [
+                editorconfig.editorconfig
+                efoerster.texlab
+                github.vscode-pull-request-github
+                golang.go
+                graphql.vscode-graphql
+                graphql.vscode-graphql-execution
+                graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax
+                hashicorp.hcl
+                hashicorp.terraform
+                haskell.haskell
+                jnoortheen.nix-ide
+                kahole.magit
+                mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode
+                mkhl.direnv
+                ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
+                ms-python.python
+                redhat.ansible
+                redhat.vscode-xml
+                redhat.vscode-yaml
+                rust-lang.rust
+                signageos.signageos-vscode-sops
+                skellock.just
+                streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
+                streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-russian
+                streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-scientific-terms
+                tamasfe.even-better-toml
+                task.vscode-task
+                vscode-org-mode.org-mode
+              ]
+              ++ lib.optional cfg.vim.enable vscodevim.vim;
+            userSettings = {
+              # Something tries to write this every startup. I can't be arsed to
+              # figure out what, so I'll leave this like this.
+              "accessibility.signals.terminalBell".sound = "on";
+              editor = {
+                codeLens = false;
+                cursorStyle = "block";
+                detectIndentation = true;
+                minimap.enabled = false;
+                renderWhitespace = "trailing";
+                rulers = [
+                  80
+                  120
+                ];
+                smoothScrolling = false;
+                tabCompletion = "on";
+                cursorSurroundingLines = 10;
+                scrollBeyondLastColumn = 10;
+              };
-            keyboard.dispatch = "keyCode";
+              keyboard.dispatch = "keyCode";
-            diffEditor.codeLens = false;
+              diffEditor.codeLens = false;
-            files = {
-              autoSave = "off";
-              enableTrash = false;
-            };
+              files = {
+                autoSave = "off";
+                enableTrash = false;
+              };
-            workbench = {
-              activityBar.location = "hidden";
-              colorTheme = "Default Light Modern";
-              editor.highlightModifiedTabs = true;
-              enableExperiments = false;
-              settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch = false;
-              startupEditor = "none";
-              tips.enabled = false;
-              tree.indent = 4;
-              welcomePage = {
-                walkthroughs.openOnInstall = false;
-                preferReducedMotion = true;
+              workbench = {
+                activityBar.location = "hidden";
+                colorTheme = "Default Light Modern";
+                editor.highlightModifiedTabs = true;
+                enableExperiments = false;
+                settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch = false;
+                startupEditor = "none";
+                tips.enabled = false;
+                tree.indent = 4;
+                welcomePage = {
+                  walkthroughs.openOnInstall = false;
+                  preferReducedMotion = true;
+                };
-            };
-            extensions = {
-              autoCheckUpdates = false;
-              autoUpdate = false;
-              ignoreRecommendations = true;
-            };
+              extensions = {
+                autoCheckUpdates = false;
+                autoUpdate = false;
+                ignoreRecommendations = true;
+              };
-            terminal.integrated = {
-              enableBell = true;
-            };
+              terminal.integrated = {
+                enableBell = true;
+              };
-            update = {
-              mode = "none";
-              showReleaseNotes = false;
-            };
+              update = {
+                mode = "none";
+                showReleaseNotes = false;
+              };
-            telemetry = {
-              enableCrashReporter = false;
-              enableTelemetry = false;
-            };
+              telemetry = {
+                enableCrashReporter = false;
+                enableTelemetry = false;
+              };
-            security.workspace.trust.enabled = false;
+              security.workspace.trust.enabled = false;
-            # Extensions.
+              # Extensions.
-            ansible = {
               ansible = {
-                useFullyQualifiedCollectionNames = true;
-                reuseTerminal = true;
+                ansible = {
+                  useFullyQualifiedCollectionNames = true;
+                  reuseTerminal = true;
+                };
+                validation.lint.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.ansible-lint "ansible-lint";
-              validation.lint.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.ansible-lint "ansible-lint";
-            };
-            bashIde.shellcheckPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.shellcheck "shellcheck";
+              bashIde.shellcheckPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.shellcheck "shellcheck";
-            cSpell.language = "en-GB,en,ru";
+              cSpell.language = "en-GB,en,ru";
-            direnv.restart.automatic = true;
+              direnv.restart.automatic = true;
-            magit = {
-              forge-enabled = true;
-              git-path = lib.getExe config.hm.programs.git.package;
-            };
+              magit = {
+                forge-enabled = true;
+                git-path = lib.getExe config.hm.programs.git.package;
+              };
-            git.openRepositoryInParentFolders = "always";
+              git.openRepositoryInParentFolders = "always";
-            github = {
-              branchProtection = true;
-              gitProtocol = "ssh";
-            };
+              github = {
+                branchProtection = true;
+                gitProtocol = "ssh";
+              };
-            # terraform = {
-            #   languageServer.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.terraform-ls "terraform-ls";
-            #   languageServer.terraform.path = lib.getExe pkgs.opentofu;
-            # };
-            # haskell = {
-            #   formattingProvider = "ormolu";
-            #   serverExecutablePath = lib.getExe' pkgs.haskell-language-server "haskell-language-server";
-            # };
-            nix = {
-              formatterPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
-              enableLanguageServer = true;
-              serverPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixd;
-              serverSettings.nixd.formatting.command = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
-            };
+              terraform = {
+                languageServer.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.terraform-ls "terraform-ls";
+                languageServer.terraform.path = lib.getExe pkgs.terraform;
+              };
-            # python = with pkgs.python311Packages; {
-            #   experiments.optOutFrom = [ "All" ];
-            #   pipenvPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.pipenv "pipenv";
-            #   poetryPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.poetry "poetry";
-            #   formatting = {
-            #     provider = "black";
-            #     autopep8Path = lib.getExe' autopep8 "autopep8";
-            #     blackPath = lib.getExe' black "black";
-            #     yapfPath = lib.getExe' yapf "yapf";
-            #   };
-            #   linting = {
-            #     enabled = true;
-            #     banditPath = lib.getExe' bandit "bandit";
-            #     flake8Path = lib.getExe' flake8 "flake8";
-            #     mypyPath = lib.getExe' mypy "mypy";
-            #     pycodestylePath = lib.getExe' pycodestyle "pycodestyle";
-            #     pydocstylePath = lib.getExe' pydocstyle "pydocstyle";
-            #     pylamaPath = lib.getExe' pylama "pylama";
-            #     pylintPath = lib.getExe' pylint "pylint";
-            #   };
-            #   testing = {
-            #     pytestPath = lib.getExe' pytest "pytest";
-            #   };
-            # };
-            # rust-client = {
-            #   disableRustup = true;
-            #   rustupPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.rustup "rustup";
-            #   rustfmt_path = lib.getExe pkgs.rustfmt;
-            # };
-            vim = lib.mkIf cfg.vim.enable {
-              easymotion = true;
-              leader = " ";
-              useSystemClipboard = true;
-            };
+              haskell = {
+                formattingProvider = "ormolu";
+                serverExecutablePath = lib.getExe' pkgs.haskell-language-server "haskell-language-server";
+              };
-            redhat.telemetry.enabled = false;
+              nix = {
+                formatterPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
+                enableLanguageServer = true;
+                serverPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixd;
+                serverSettings.nixd.formatting.command = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
+              };
+              python.experiments.optOutFrom = [ "All" ];
+              rust-client = {
+                disableRustup = true;
+                rustupPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.rustup "rustup";
+                rustfmt_path = lib.getExe pkgs.rustfmt;
+              };
+              vim = lib.mkIf cfg.vim.enable {
+                easymotion = true;
+                leader = " ";
+                useSystemClipboard = true;
+              };
+              redhat.telemetry.enabled = false;
+            };

Consider giving Nix/NixOS a try! <3