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path: root/modules
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authorazahi <azat@bahawi.net>2025-03-12 20:17:13 +0300
committerazahi <azat@bahawi.net>2025-03-12 20:17:13 +0300
commitc81dc5a13b469c511fac6fa2390b70422d1b4da5 (patch)
tree4dab5909006ab5c25da6bd9fde6a714c7719ded7 /modules
parent2025-02-17 (diff)
2025-03-12 HEAD master
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--modules/profiles/headful/default.nix (renamed from modules/profiles/headful.nix)22
-rw-r--r--modules/profiles/headless/default.nix (renamed from modules/profiles/headless.nix)13
56 files changed, 1516 insertions, 37998 deletions
diff --git a/modules/alertmanager.nix b/modules/alertmanager.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 94c21b0..0000000
--- a/modules/alertmanager.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  inputs,
-  lib,
-  libNginx,
-  this,
-  ...
-  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.alertmanager;
-  imports = [ inputs.alertmanager-ntfy.nixosModules.default ];
-  options.nixfiles.modules.alertmanager = {
-    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Alertmanager";
-    port = lib.mkOption {
-      description = "Port.";
-      type = lib.types.port;
-      default = 30112;
-    };
-    domain = lib.mkOption {
-      description = "Domain name sans protocol scheme.";
-      type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
-      default = "alertmanager.${config.networking.domain}";
-    };
-  };
-  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-    nixfiles.modules = {
-      ntfy.enable = true;
-      nginx = {
-        enable = true;
-        upstreams.alertmanager.servers."${toString cfg.port}" = { };
-        virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
-          locations."/".proxyPass = "http://alertmanager";
-          extraConfig = libNginx.config.internalOnly;
-        };
-      };
-    };
-    services = {
-      prometheus.alertmanager = {
-        enable = true;
-        listenAddress = "";
-        inherit (cfg) port;
-        extraFlags = [
-          "--cluster.listen-address=\"\""
-          "--web.external-url=https://${cfg.domain}"
-        ];
-        configuration = {
-          global = {
-            smtp_from = "alertmanager@${lib.my.domain.shire}";
-            smtp_smarthost = "${lib.my.domain.shire}:584";
-          };
-          route = {
-            receiver = lib.my.username;
-            group_by = [ "alertname" ];
-          };
-          receivers = [
-            {
-              name = lib.my.username;
-              webhook_configs = [
-                { url = with config.services.alertmanager-ntfy; "http://${httpAddress}:${httpPort}"; }
-              ];
-            }
-          ];
-        };
-      };
-    };
-    services.alertmanager-ntfy = {
-      enable = true;
-      httpAddress = "";
-      httpPort = toString (config.nixfiles.modules.ntfy.port + 1);
-      ntfyTopic = "${config.services.ntfy-sh.settings.base-url}/alertmanager";
-      ntfyPriority = "high";
-      envFile = "/dev/null";
-    };
-    topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.alertmanager = {
-      name = "Alertmanager";
-      icon = "${inputs.homelab-svg-assets}/assets/prometheus.svg";
-      info = cfg.domain;
-      details.listen.text = "${toString cfg.port}";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/alloy.nix b/modules/alloy.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4a2e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/alloy.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+  config,
+  lib,
+  ...
+  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.alloy;
+  options.nixfiles.modules.alloy.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Alloy";
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    services.alloy.enable = true;
+    environment.etc."alloy/config.alloy".text = ''
+      logging {
+        level  = "warn"
+        format = "logfmt"
+      }
+      prometheus.remote_write "default" {
+        endpoint {
+          url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.mimir.domain}/api/v1/push"
+        }
+      }
+      prometheus.exporter.self "default" { }
+      prometheus.scrape "self" {
+        targets    = prometheus.exporter.self.default.targets
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+      prometheus.exporter.unix "default" { }
+      prometheus.scrape "unix" {
+        targets    = prometheus.exporter.unix.default.targets
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+      prometheus.relabel "default" {
+        rule {
+          action        = "replace"
+          regex         = "([^:]+):[0-9]+"
+          replacement   = "$1"
+          source_labels = ["__address__"]
+          target_label  = "instance"
+        }
+        forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.default.receiver]
+      }
+      loki.write "default" {
+        endpoint {
+          url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.loki.domain}/loki/api/v1/push"
+        }
+      }
+      discovery.relabel "journal" {
+        targets = []
+        rule {
+          source_labels = ["__journal__systemd_unit"]
+          target_label  = "unit"
+        }
+        rule {
+          source_labels = ["__journal_priority_keyword"]
+          target_label  = "level"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action = "labeldrop"
+          regex  = "service_name"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "drop"
+          source_labels = ["unit"]
+          regex         = "^acme.*"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "drop"
+          source_labels = ["unit"]
+          regex         = "^home-manager.*"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "drop"
+          source_labels = ["unit"]
+          regex         = ".*\\.scope$"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "drop"
+          source_labels = ["unit"]
+          regex         = "^user@.*"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "drop"
+          source_labels = ["unit"]
+          regex         = "^serial-getty@.*"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "drop"
+          source_labels = ["unit"]
+          regex         = "^nixos-rebuild.*"
+        }
+      }
+      loki.source.journal "default" {
+        forward_to    = [loki.write.default.receiver]
+        relabel_rules = discovery.relabel.journal.rules
+      }
+    '';
+  };
diff --git a/modules/common/home-manager.nix b/modules/common/home-manager.nix
index 31a11f6..54e580d 100644
--- a/modules/common/home-manager.nix
+++ b/modules/common/home-manager.nix
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   imports = [
-    inputs.home-manager.nixosModule
+    inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager
       [ "hm" ]
diff --git a/modules/common/secrets.nix b/modules/common/secrets.nix
index 2b8082e..600b128 100644
--- a/modules/common/secrets.nix
+++ b/modules/common/secrets.nix
@@ -21,11 +21,9 @@
   config = {
     age.identityPaths =
       if this.isHeadful then
-        [ "${config.my.home}/.ssh/id_${lib.my.ssh.type}" ]
+        [ "${config.my.home}/.ssh/${this.hostname}_ed25519" ]
-        config.services.openssh.hostKeys
-        |> lib.filter (attr: attr.type == lib.my.ssh.type)
-        |> map (attr: attr.path);
+        config.services.openssh.hostKeys |> lib.filter (x: x.type == "ed25519") |> map (x: x.path);
     environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
diff --git a/modules/common/security.nix b/modules/common/security.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index acfc9cc..0000000
--- a/modules/common/security.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-_: {
-  security = {
-    sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
-    polkit = {
-      enable = true;
-      extraConfig = ''
-        /*
-         * Allow members of the wheel group to execute any actions
-         * without password authentication, similar to "sudo NOPASSWD:".
-         *
-         * https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Polkit#Bypass_password_prompt
-         */
-        polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
-          if (subject.isInGroup('wheel'))
-            return polkit.Result.YES;
-        });
-      '';
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/common/shell/default.nix b/modules/common/shell/default.nix
index 7c6c835..2e81d45 100644
--- a/modules/common/shell/default.nix
+++ b/modules/common/shell/default.nix
@@ -80,16 +80,17 @@ in
                       pkg =
                         if this.isHeadful then
-                          pkgs.coreutils.overrideAttrs (
-                            _: super: {
-                              patches = (super.patches or [ ]) ++ [
-                                (pkgs.fetchpatch {
-                                  url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarun/advcpmv/1e2b1c6b74fa0974896bf94604279a3f74b37a63/advcpmv-0.9-9.5.patch";
-                                  hash = "sha256-LRfb4heZlAUKiXl/hC/HgoqeGMxCt8ruBYZUrbzSH+Y=";
-                                })
-                              ];
-                            }
-                          )
+                          pkgs.coreutils
+                        # pkgs.coreutils.overrideAttrs (
+                        #   _: super: {
+                        #     patches = (super.patches or [ ]) ++ [
+                        #       (pkgs.fetchpatch {
+                        #         url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarun/advcpmv/1e2b1c6b74fa0974896bf94604279a3f74b37a63/advcpmv-0.9-9.5.patch";
+                        #         hash = "sha256-LRfb4heZlAUKiXl/hC/HgoqeGMxCt8ruBYZUrbzSH+Y=";
+                        #       })
+                        #     ];
+                        #   }
+                        # )
@@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ in
+                    # progressBar = lib.optionalString this.isHeadful "--progress-bar";
                     mkAlias =
                         name ? lib.head command,
@@ -107,8 +110,6 @@ in
                         inherit name;
                         value = lib.concatStringsSep " " command;
-                    progressBar = lib.optionalString this.isHeadful "--progress-bar";
                     (mkAlias {
@@ -116,14 +117,14 @@ in
-                        progressBar
+                        # progressBar
                     (mkAlias {
                       command = [
-                        progressBar
+                        # progressBar
                     (mkAlias {
diff --git a/modules/common/users.nix b/modules/common/users.nix
index ffe6234..c81f2c1 100644
--- a/modules/common/users.nix
+++ b/modules/common/users.nix
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ in
         description = lib.my.fullname;
         inherit home;
         inherit (lib.my) hashedPassword;
-        openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ lib.my.ssh.key ];
         extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
diff --git a/modules/emacs/default.nix b/modules/emacs/default.nix
index e546ddd..80d77a3 100644
--- a/modules/emacs/default.nix
+++ b/modules/emacs/default.nix
@@ -72,17 +72,16 @@ in
             "doom/init.el".source = ./doom/init.el;
             "doom/packages.el".source = ./doom/packages.el;
-            "doom/config.el" = {
-              text = lib.concatLines [
+            "doom/config.el".text =
+              [
-                    extraBins = with pkgs; [
-                      (aspellWithDicts (
-                        p: with p; [
-                          en
-                          ru
-                        ]
-                      )) # :checkers (spell +aspell)
+                    packages = with pkgs; [
+                      (hunspellWithDicts [
+                        hunspellDicts.en-gb-large
+                        hunspellDicts.en-us-large
+                        hunspellDicts.ru-ru
+                      ]) # :checkers (spell +hunspell)
                       asmfmt # :editor format
                       shirepyright # :lang (python +lsp)
                       bash-language-server # :lang (sh +lsp)
@@ -117,8 +116,10 @@ in
                       haskell-language-server # :lang (haskell +lsp)
                       haskellPackages.cabal-fmt # :lang haskell :editor format
                       haskellPackages.hoogle # :lang haskell
+                      helm-ls
                       html-tidy # :lang web :editor format
                       jdk # :lang java :lang plantuml :checkers grammar
+                      jq # :lang (rest +jq)
                       languagetool # :checkers grammar
                       libxml2 # :lang data :editor format
                       markdownlint-cli # :lang markdown
@@ -132,7 +133,9 @@ in
                       pandoc # :lang org markdown latex
                       pinentry-emacs # doom!
                       pre-commit # :tools magit
+                      prettypst
                       python3 # :lang python
+                      python3Packages.debugpy # :lang (python +lsp) :tools debugger
                       ripgrep # doom!
                       rust-analyzer # :lang (rust +lsp)
                       rustc # :lang rust
@@ -156,18 +159,15 @@ in
+                    ;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
                     ;; Integrate packages which are required by various modules
                     ;; without polluting the user's profile.
-                    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (x: ''"${x}/bin"'') extraBins})))
-                    (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":${lib.concatMapStringsSep ":" (x: "${x}/bin") extraBins}"))
+                    (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (x: ''"${x}/bin"'') packages})))
+                    (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":${lib.concatMapStringsSep ":" (x: "${x}/bin") packages}"))
-                    (appendq! auth-sources '(("${config.secrets.authinfo.path}")))
+                    (prependq! auth-sources '(("${config.secrets.authinfo.path}")))
-                    ;; HACK Explicitly load specific Emacs packages from
-                    ;; Nixpkgs. For some reason providing them as
-                    ;; "extraPackages" doesn't work.
-                    (add-to-list 'load-path "${pkgs.mu.mu4e}/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")
-                    (add-to-list 'load-path "${pkgs.emacsPackages.vterm}/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/vterm-${pkgs.emacsPackages.vterm.version}")
                     (load "${
                       pkgs.fetchurl {
                         name = "tvl.el";
@@ -181,14 +181,15 @@ in
                           skk-large-jisyo "${pkgs.skkDictionaries.l}/share/skk/SKK-JISYO.L")
                     ;; :editor parinfer
-                    (setq parinfer-rust-library "${pkgs.parinfer-rust-emacs}/lib/libparinfer_rust.so")
+                    (setq parinfer-rust-library "${pkgs.parinfer-rust-emacs}/lib/libparinfer_rust.so"
+                          parinfer-rust-auto-download nil)
                     ;; :lang (org +roam2) :email mu4e
                     (setq emacsql-sqlite-executable "${lib.getExe pkgs.emacsql-sqlite}")
                     ;; :lang plantuml
                     (setq plantuml-jar-path "${pkgs.plantuml}/lib/plantuml.jar"
-                          plantuml-executable-path "${lib.getExe' pkgs.plantuml "plantuml"}"
+                          plantuml-executable-path "${lib.getExe pkgs.plantuml}"
                           org-plantuml-jar-path plantuml-jar-path
                           org-plantuml-executable-path plantuml-executable-path)
@@ -233,16 +234,28 @@ in
                 (builtins.readFile ./doom/config.el)
-              ];
-            };
+              ]
+              |> lib.concatLines;
       programs = {
         emacs = {
           enable = true;
-          package = pkgs.emacs29-pgtk;
+          package = pkgs.emacs30-pgtk;
+          extraPackages =
+            epkgs: with epkgs; [
+              (treesit-grammars.with-grammars (
+                grammars: with grammars; [
+                  tree-sitter-typst
+                ]
+              ))
+              mu4e
+              vterm
+            ];
+        git.extraConfig."github.com".user = lib.my.username; # :tools (magit +forge)
         bash.initExtra = lib.mkAfter ''
           export PATH="$PATH:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs/bin"
@@ -257,5 +270,7 @@ in
+    nixpkgs.overlays = [ inputs.emacs-overlay.overlays.default ];
diff --git a/modules/emacs/doom/config.el b/modules/emacs/doom/config.el
index d7ab80e..4ff9af8 100644
--- a/modules/emacs/doom/config.el
+++ b/modules/emacs/doom/config.el
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-;;; Misc
+;; Misc
 (setq! frame-title-format '("GNU Emacs"))
@@ -22,9 +20,7 @@
 (setq! migemo-options '("--quiet" "--emacs")
        skk-show-inline t)
-;;; Doom-specific
+;; Doom-specific
 (setq! doom-theme 'modus-operandi
        doom-modeline-icon nil
@@ -32,9 +28,7 @@
        doom-modeline-total-line-number t
        doom-modeline-height 30)
-;;; Editorconfig
+;; Editorconfig
 (setq! +editorconfig-mode-alist '((sh-mode . "sh"))
        ;; It's never a good idea to force specific indentation rules for Lisp,
@@ -48,51 +42,31 @@
-;;; LSP
+;; LSP
 (after! lsp-mode
   (setq! lsp-enable-server-download nil
          lsp-enable-suggest-server-download nil
-         lsp-modeline-code-action-fallback-icon "~"))
+         lsp-modeline-code-action-fallback-icon "~"
+         lsp-yaml-schemas `((,(intern "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/compose-spec/compose-spec/master/schema/compose-spec.json")
+                             . ["*-compose.y*"])
+                            (,(intern "https://json.schemastore.org/kustomization.json")
+                             . ["kustomization.yaml"])
+                            (kubernetes
+                             . ["*.yaml"]))))
-;;; Tree-Sitter
-(use-package! treesit-auto
-  :disabled
-  :custom (treesit-auto-install 'prompt)
-  :config
-  (treesit-auto-add-to-auto-mode-alist 'all)
-  (global-treesit-auto-mode))
-;;; Nix
-(after! nix
-  (after! lsp-mode
-    (add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(nix-mode . "nix"))
-    (lsp-register-client (make-lsp-client
-                          :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "nixd")
-                          :activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "nix")
-                          :server-id 'nixd
-                          :major-modes 'nix-mode))
-    (add-hook 'nix-mode-hook 'lsp-deferred)))
-;;; Go
+;; Go
 (setq! lsp-go-analyses '((unsedvariable . t)
                          (unusedparams . t)
                          (unusedwrite . t)))
-;;; Org
+;; Python
+(after! dap-mode
+  (setq dap-python-debugger 'debugpy))
+;; Org
 (setq! org-directory "~/doc/org/"
        org-roam-directory "~/doc/roam/"
@@ -149,88 +123,86 @@
 (add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'evil-insert-state)
-;;; LaTeX
+;; LaTeX
 (map! :map cdlatex-mode-map
       :i "TAB" #'cdlatex-tab)
-;;; Typst
+;; Typst
 (use-package! typst-ts-mode
   :custom (typst-ts-watch-options "--open")
-  (add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(typst-ts-mode . "typst"))
-  (lsp-register-client (make-lsp-client
-                        :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "tinymist")
-                        :server-id 'tinymist
-                        :major-modes '(typst-ts-mode)))
-  (add-hook 'typst-ts-mode-hook 'lsp-deferred)
-  (when (boundp 'treesit-auto-recipe-list)
-    (add-to-list 'treesit-auto-recipe-list
-                 (make-treesit-auto-recipe
-                  :lang 'typst
-                  :ts-mode 'typst-ts-mode
-                  :url "https://github.com/uben0/tree-sitter-typst"
-                  :revision "master"
-                  :source-dir "src"))))
-;;; PlantUML
+  (after! lsp-mode
+    (add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(typst-ts-mode . "typst"))
+    (lsp-register-client
+     (make-lsp-client
+      :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "tinymist")
+      :server-id 'tinymist
+      :major-modes '(typst-ts-mode)))
+    (add-hook 'typst-ts-mode-hook 'lsp-deferred))
+  (after! apheleia
+    (add-to-list 'apheleia-mode-alist '(typst-ts-mode . prettypst))
+    (add-to-list 'apheleia-formatters '(prettypst "prettypst" "--use-std-in" "--use-std-out"))))
+(use-package! typst-preview
+  :custom
+  (typst-preview-invert-colors "never")
+  (typst-preview-open-browser-automatically t)
+  :config
+  (advice-add 'typst-preview-start :before (lambda (&rest r)
+                                             (setq tp--master-file buffer-file-name))))
+;; PlantUML
 (setq! plantuml-default-exec-mode 'executable
        org-plantuml-exec-mode 'plantuml)
-;;; Elisp
+;; Elisp
 (after! flycheck
   (pushnew! flycheck-disabled-checkers 'emacs-lisp-checkdoc))
-;;; Haskell
+;; Haskell
 (setq! lsp-haskell-formatting-provider "ormolu")
-;;; Nickel
+;; Nickel
 (use-package! nickel-mode
   (after! lsp-mode
     (add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(nickel-mode . "nickel"))
-    (lsp-register-client (make-lsp-client
-                          :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "nls")
-                          :server-id 'nls
-                          :major-modes '(nickel-mode)))
+    (lsp-register-client
+     (make-lsp-client
+      :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "nls")
+      :activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "nickel")
+      :server-id 'nls
+      :major-modes 'nickel-mode))
     (add-hook 'nickel-mode-hook 'lsp-deferred)))
-;;; YAML
+;; YAML
 ;; Turn off `flycheck-mode' and `lsp-mode' for Helm templates.
-(add-hook! 'yaml-mode-hook
-  (defun nixfiles/disable-flycheck-for-helm-templates-h ()
-    (when (and buffer-file-name
-               (string-match-p "/templates/" buffer-file-name)
-               (or (string-suffix-p ".yaml" buffer-file-name)
-                   (string-suffix-p ".yml" buffer-file-name)))
-      (remove-hook! 'yaml-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!))))
+;; (add-hook! 'yaml-mode-hook
+;;   (defun nixfiles/disable-flycheck-for-helm-templates-h ()
+;;     (when (and buffer-file-name
+;;                (string-match-p "/templates/" buffer-file-name)
+;;                (or (string-suffix-p ".yaml" buffer-file-name)
+;;                    (string-suffix-p ".yml" buffer-file-name)))
+;;       (remove-hook! 'yaml-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!))))
+;; (setq-hook! 'yaml-mode-hook +format-with-lsp nil)
-(setq-hook! 'yaml-mode-hook +format-with-lsp nil)
+;; Magit
-;;; Elfeed
+(setq! code-review-auth-login-marker 'forge)
+(add-hook 'code-review-mode-hook (lambda ()
+                                   (persp-add-buffer (current-buffer))))
+;; Elfeed
 (setq! elfeed-db-directory "~/.elfeed"
        elfeed-enclosure-default-dir (concat elfeed-db-directory "/enclosures")
@@ -239,9 +211,7 @@
        elfeed-goodies/entry-pane-size 0.75
        elfeed-goodies/entry-pane-position 'bottom)
-;;; mu4e
+;; mu4e
 (after! mu4e
   (setq! sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp")
@@ -256,9 +226,7 @@
 (setq-hook! 'mu4e-main-mode-hook mu4e-update-interval 30)
-;;; Circe
+;; Circe
 (setq! circe-network-options
        (mapcar (lambda (server)
@@ -273,44 +241,12 @@
                             (+pass-get-secret "server/soju.shire.net/azahi"))))
                '("libera" "oftc" "hackint" "rizon")))
-;;; Sops
+;; Sops
 (use-package! sops
   :hook (doom-first-file . global-sops-mode))
-;;; Hledger
-(use-package! hledger-mode
-  :disabled
-  :mode ("\\.journal\\'")
-  :hook ((hledger-view-mode . hl-line-mode)
-         (hledger-view-mode . center-text-for-reading))
-  :init
-  (setq! hledger-jfile "~/doc/accounting/current.journal")
-  :config
-  (set-company-backend! 'hledger-mode 'hledger-company)
-  (add-hook! 'hledger-mode-hook
-    (lambda (&rest _)
-      (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
-      (add-to-list 'company-backends 'hledger-company))))
-(use-package! hledger-input
-  :disabled
-  :hook ((hledger-input-post-commit . hledger-show-new-balances)
-         (hledger-input-mode . auto-fill-mode)
-         (hledger-input-mode . (lambda (&rest _)
-                                 (make-local-variable 'compay-idle-delay)
-                                 (setq-local company-idle-delay 0.1))))
-  :init
-  (setq! hledger-input-buffer-height 20))
-;;; LLM
+;; LLM
 (use-package! gptel
diff --git a/modules/emacs/doom/init.el b/modules/emacs/doom/init.el
index eddaf28..966b156 100644
--- a/modules/emacs/doom/init.el
+++ b/modules/emacs/doom/init.el
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
+;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
 (doom! :input
-       ;; company
        (corfu +icons +orderless +dabbrev)
-       vertico
+       (vertico +icons)
-       deft
-       doom
-       (emoji +unicode)
+       ;; (emoji +unicode)
-       nav-flash
+       ;; nav-flash
        (popup +defaults)
-       (vc-gutter +diff-hl +pretty)
-       window-select
+       ;; unicode
+       (vc-gutter +pretty)
+       (window-select +switch-window)
        (evil +everywhere)
-       (format +onsave)
-       ;; lispy
-       ;; multiple-cursors
-       ;; objed
+       (format +onsave +lsp)
+       multiple-cursors
+       (objed +manual)
-       ;; rotate-text
+       rotate-text
-       dired
+       (dired +dirvish +icons)
-       ibuffer
+       (ibuffer +icons)
+       shell
-       syntax
-       (spell +flyspell +everywhere +icons)
+       (syntax +icons)
+       (spell +hunspell +flyspell +everywhere)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
        (eval +overlay)
        (lookup +dictionary +offline)
        (lsp +peek)
-       magit
+       (magit +forge)
        (pass +auth)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-       tty
+       ;; tty
        (cc +lsp +tree-sitter)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
        (go +lsp +tree-sitter)
        (graphql +lsp +tree-sitter)
        (haskell +lsp +tree-sitter)
-       javascript
+       (javascript +lsp +tree-sitter)
        (json +lsp +tree-sitter)
        (latex +latexmk +cdlatex +lsp)
@@ -88,12 +88,11 @@
        (python +lsp +tree-sitter +pyright)
-       ;; (racket +lsp +tree-sitter +xp +hash-lang)
-       rest
+       (rest +jq)
        (rust +lsp +tree-sitter)
-       ;; (scheme +chicken +guile +racket)
+       (scheme +guile)
        (sh +lsp +tree-sitter)
-       web
+       (web +lsp +tree-sitter)
        (yaml +lsp +tree-sitter)
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@
-       (rss +org)
+       (rss +org +youtube)
-       (default +bindings +smartparens))
+       (default +bindings +gnupg +smartparens))
diff --git a/modules/emacs/doom/packages.el b/modules/emacs/doom/packages.el
index f818377..8084808 100644
--- a/modules/emacs/doom/packages.el
+++ b/modules/emacs/doom/packages.el
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-(disable-packages! writegood-mode)
-(unpin! (:editor parinfer))
-(unpin! evil-collection)
+;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(package! treesit-auto)
+(disable-packages! writegood-mode)
 (package! xclip)
@@ -13,7 +9,10 @@
 (package! nickel-mode)
-(package! hledger-mode)
+(package! typst-ts-mode
+  :recipe (:host codeberg :repo "meow_king/typst-ts-mode"))
+(package! typst-preview
+  :recipe (:host github :repo "havarddj/typst-preview.el"))
 (package! sops
   :recipe (:host github :repo "djgoku/sops"))
@@ -21,13 +20,3 @@
 (package! gptel)
 (package! ellama)
 (package! magit-gptcommit)
-(unpin! (:tools tree-sitter))
-(package! typst-ts-mode
-  :recipe (:host codeberg :repo "meow_king/typst-ts-mode"))
-;; (package! tvl
-;;   :recipe (:host nil
-;;            :repo "https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git:/tools/emacs-pkgs/tvl.git"
-;;            :build nil))
diff --git a/modules/endlessh-go.nix b/modules/endlessh-go.nix
index 5d3ddfe..d9316c2 100644
--- a/modules/endlessh-go.nix
+++ b/modules/endlessh-go.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-  this,
@@ -10,23 +9,35 @@ in
   options.nixfiles.modules.endlessh-go.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "endlessh-go";
-  config =
-    let
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    nixfiles.modules.unbound.zone.whitelist = [ "ip-api.com" ];
+    services.endlessh-go = {
+      enable = true;
+      listenAddress = "";
       port = 22;
-    in
-    lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-      services.endlessh-go = {
+      prometheus = {
         enable = true;
-        listenAddress = "";
-        inherit port;
-        prometheus = {
-          enable = true;
-          listenAddress = this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
-          port = 9229;
-        };
-        extraOptions = [ "-geoip_supplier=ip-api" ];
+        listenAddress = "";
+        port = 9229;
-      networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ port ];
+      extraOptions = [ "-geoip_supplier=ip-api" ];
+    environment.etc."alloy/endlessh.alloy".text = with config.services.endlessh-go.prometheus; ''
+      prometheus.scrape "endlessh" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/endlessh.alloy".source ];
+    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ config.services.endlessh-go.port ];
+  };
diff --git a/modules/fail2ban.nix b/modules/fail2ban.nix
index 3659b15..bd64e75 100644
--- a/modules/fail2ban.nix
+++ b/modules/fail2ban.nix
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ in
       bantime-increment = {
         enable = true;
         maxtime = "24h";
-        rndtime = "8m";
+        rndtime = "15m";
       ignoreIP = lib.optionals (lib.hasAttr "wireguard" this) (
diff --git a/modules/firefox/addons.json b/modules/firefox/addons.json
index e3867c1..4649d4d 100644
--- a/modules/firefox/addons.json
+++ b/modules/firefox/addons.json
@@ -26,16 +26,20 @@
     "slug": "no-pdf-download"
-    "slug": "plasma-integration"
+    "pname": "okta",
+    "slug": "okta-browser-plugin"
-    "pname": "rikaichamp",
-    "slug": "10ten-ja-reader"
+    "slug": "plasma-integration"
     "slug": "redirector"
+    "pname": "rikaichamp",
+    "slug": "10ten-ja-reader"
+  },
+  {
     "slug": "switchyomega"
diff --git a/modules/firefox/addons.nix b/modules/firefox/addons.nix
index 3bb23d2..9854f8c 100644
--- a/modules/firefox/addons.nix
+++ b/modules/firefox/addons.nix
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
   "bitwarden" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "bitwarden";
-    version = "2024.11.2";
+    version = "2025.2.0";
     addonId = "{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4392295/bitwarden_password_manager-2024.11.2.xpi";
-    sha256 = "38faecbfca76086a54e62b6e2036eae45e9d9f9f3aee4c7a72b652593f51b8e7";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4440363/bitwarden_password_manager-2025.2.0.xpi";
+    sha256 = "c4d7f355a2269620482f50edac7fce3c19f515190f24cdf80edc865f71d3a374";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://bitwarden.com";
       description = "At home, at work, or on the go, Bitwarden easily secures all your passwords, passkeys, and sensitive information.";
@@ -16,19 +16,18 @@
       mozPermissions = [
-        "tabs"
-        "contextMenus"
-        "storage"
-        "unlimitedStorage"
+        "alarms"
+        "contextMenus"
-        "alarms"
+        "storage"
+        "tabs"
+        "unlimitedStorage"
+        "webNavigation"
-        "webNavigation"
-        "https://lastpass.com/export.php"
       platforms = platforms.all;
@@ -76,10 +75,10 @@
   "indie-wiki-buddy" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "indie-wiki-buddy";
-    version = "3.11.1";
+    version = "3.13.1";
     addonId = "{cb31ec5d-c49a-4e5a-b240-16c767444f62}";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4379107/indie_wiki_buddy-3.11.1.xpi";
-    sha256 = "2b63271fa42e3d46a683605f719de816195471ccd8654771606d6eb811f7596d";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4435453/indie_wiki_buddy-3.13.1.xpi";
+    sha256 = "71dbed6b090604ea299c9661312c1ad5bc208c3ea3012b7890e38fb08994d703";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://getindie.wiki/";
       description = "Helping you discover quality, independent wikis!\n\nWhen visiting a Fandom wiki, Indie Wiki Buddy redirects or alerts you of independent alternatives. It also filters search engine results. BreezeWiki is also supported, to reduce clutter on Fandom.";
@@ -334,10 +333,10 @@
   "ipfs-companion" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "ipfs-companion";
-    version = "3.1.0";
+    version = "3.2.0";
     addonId = "ipfs-firefox-addon@lidel.org";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4172699/ipfs_companion-3.1.0.xpi";
-    sha256 = "784f6d1e0497d86f1e42cfe7de8548b5cc28fabe80e50771d90f59ddf1b9d3c1";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4447471/ipfs_companion-3.2.0.xpi";
+    sha256 = "95b032a90f7e4349cb3778cdb9564b5c89d16c58d9aa12e2f223584ac143fb93";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion";
       description = "Harness the power of IPFS in your browser";
@@ -360,10 +359,10 @@
   "languagetool" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "languagetool";
-    version = "8.13.2";
+    version = "8.14.3";
     addonId = "languagetool-webextension@languagetool.org";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4396724/languagetool-8.13.2.xpi";
-    sha256 = "e8a93ca046df390aaafeb7ba86254505ed3c593371c1f9e5af6892018d12de66";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4411930/languagetool-8.14.3.xpi";
+    sha256 = "f8c6c6b5ae7591ff62bfcaf93f7831651643312a64e0029fc4c153f7ca75295f";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://languagetool.org";
       description = "With this extension you can check text with the free style and grammar checker LanguageTool. It finds many errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, like mixing up there/their, a/an, or repeating a word.";
@@ -425,6 +424,29 @@
       platforms = platforms.all;
+  "okta" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
+    pname = "okta";
+    version = "6.38.0";
+    addonId = "plugin@okta.com";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4441853/okta_browser_plugin-6.38.0.xpi";
+    sha256 = "a26b30c29db3ff139cf313b1e19dbff5ea2836f29d59c2c28411c54e5d02c1fa";
+    meta = with lib; {
+      homepage = "https://www.okta.com";
+      description = "Okta Browser Plugin";
+      mozPermissions = [
+        "tabs"
+        "cookies"
+        "https://*/"
+        "http://*/"
+        "storage"
+        "unlimitedStorage"
+        "webRequest"
+        "webRequestBlocking"
+        "webNavigation"
+      ];
+      platforms = platforms.all;
+    };
+  };
   "plasma-integration" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "plasma-integration";
     version = "1.9.1";
@@ -473,10 +495,10 @@
   "rikaichamp" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "rikaichamp";
-    version = "1.22.0";
+    version = "1.23.0";
     addonId = "{59812185-ea92-4cca-8ab7-cfcacee81281}";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4371439/10ten_ja_reader-1.22.0.xpi";
-    sha256 = "d6f3197b7e3383f2723b9376d93e03fe515e5c610f9c0723d9618b10d3cc4bf1";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4424537/10ten_ja_reader-1.23.0.xpi";
+    sha256 = "4e37d31ec2c8c7f17de314b0812002de2d394c251dccb04d5eda44751db98660";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://github.com/birchill/10ten-ja-reader/";
       description = "Quickly translate Japanese by hovering over words. Formerly released as Rikaichamp.";
@@ -495,27 +517,6 @@
       platforms = platforms.all;
-  "skip-redirect" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
-    pname = "skip-redirect";
-    version = "2.3.6";
-    addonId = "skipredirect@sblask";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/3920533/skip_redirect-2.3.6.xpi";
-    sha256 = "dbe8950245c1f475c5c1c6daab89c79b83ba4680621c91e80f15be7b09b618ae";
-    meta = with lib; {
-      description = "Some web pages use intermediary pages before redirecting to a final page. This add-on tries to extract the final url from the intermediary url and goes there straight away if successful.";
-      license = licenses.mit;
-      mozPermissions = [
-        "<all_urls>"
-        "clipboardWrite"
-        "contextMenus"
-        "notifications"
-        "storage"
-        "webRequest"
-        "webRequestBlocking"
-      ];
-      platforms = platforms.all;
-    };
-  };
   "switchyomega" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "switchyomega";
     version = "2.5.10";
@@ -544,10 +545,10 @@
   "ublock-origin" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "ublock-origin";
-    version = "1.61.2";
+    version = "1.62.0";
     addonId = "uBlock0@raymondhill.net";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4391011/ublock_origin-1.61.2.xpi";
-    sha256 = "ee3a724a46ff32c17d1723077fecc6ede7fdab742154020b51fb6253ddcbba14";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4412673/ublock_origin-1.62.0.xpi";
+    sha256 = "8a9e02aa838c302fb14e2b5bc88a6036d36358aadd6f95168a145af2018ef1a3";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#ublock-origin";
       description = "Finally, an efficient wide-spectrum content blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.";
@@ -604,10 +605,10 @@
   "violentmonkey" = buildFirefoxXpiAddon {
     pname = "violentmonkey";
-    version = "2.29.0";
+    version = "2.30.0";
     addonId = "{aecec67f-0d10-4fa7-b7c7-609a2db280cf}";
-    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4398029/violentmonkey-2.29.0.xpi";
-    sha256 = "2edf39a824476b8a77a57c7c3abdaf3f685a679486e47450fab837b4bd71d469";
+    url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/4426490/violentmonkey-2.30.0.xpi";
+    sha256 = "82932f9d6ba68a230ef57b1cdcf9f76226b2659f94249eeec0e4ffcc2b644394";
     meta = with lib; {
       homepage = "https://violentmonkey.github.io/";
       description = "Userscript support for browsers, open source.";
diff --git a/modules/firefox/default.nix b/modules/firefox/default.nix
index 0d1fe36..27f6bc2 100644
--- a/modules/firefox/default.nix
+++ b/modules/firefox/default.nix
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ in
             userContent = mkCssWithRoot ./userContent.css;
-            extensions =
+            extensions.packages =
                 # This was done using the incredible addon generator[1]. All credit
                 # goes to Robert Helgesson.
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ in
+                okta
diff --git a/modules/firefox/userContent.css b/modules/firefox/userContent.css
index f068f20..82383a6 100644
--- a/modules/firefox/userContent.css
+++ b/modules/firefox/userContent.css
@@ -10,311 +10,3 @@
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-@-moz-document regexp("https?://app\.slack\.com\.*")
-  .p-client__banners.p-ia__workspace_banner {
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diff --git a/modules/git/default.nix b/modules/git/default.nix
index f370ae6..447d90a 100644
--- a/modules/git/default.nix
+++ b/modules/git/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-  inputs,
@@ -35,35 +34,20 @@ in
   config = lib.mkMerge [
     (lib.mkIf cfg.client.enable {
       secrets = {
-        glab-cli-config = {
-          file = "${inputs.self}/secrets/glab-cli-config";
-          path = "${config.dirs.config}/glab-cli/config.yml";
-          owner = lib.my.username;
-        };
-        # NOTE SSO requires relogin every day, so keeping persistent auth tokens
-        # doesn't work.
+        # TODO Use this.
         # gh-hosts = {
         #   file = "${inputs.self}/secrets/gh-hosts";
         #   path = "${config.dirs.config}/gh/hosts.yml";
         #   owner = my.username;
         # };
-        hut = {
-          file = "${inputs.self}/secrets/hut";
-          path = "${config.dirs.config}/hut/config";
-          owner = lib.my.username;
-        };
-      nixfiles.modules.common.shell.aliases = {
-        gl = "glab";
-        ht = "hut";
-      };
+      nixfiles.modules.common.shell.aliases.gl = "glab";
       hm = {
         home.packages = with pkgs; [
-          hut
         programs = {
@@ -74,29 +58,47 @@ in
             userName = lib.my.username;
             userEmail = lib.my.email;
-            signing = {
-              inherit (lib.my.pgp) key;
-              signByDefault = true;
-            };
             extraConfig =
                 color.ui = true;
-                core.whitespace = "trailing-space";
+                core = {
+                  fsmonitor = true;
+                  untrackedCache = true;
+                  whitespace = "trailing-space";
+                };
+                log.showSignature = true;
                 init.defaultBranch = "master";
                 status.submoduleSummary = true;
                 commit.verbose = true;
-                push.autoSetupRemote = true;
+                push = {
+                  autoSetupRemote = true;
+                  default = "simple";
+                  followTags = true;
+                };
+                fetch = {
+                  prune = true;
+                  pruneTags = true;
+                  all = true;
+                };
                 pull.rebase = true;
+                merge.conflictstyle = "zdiff3";
                 rebase = {
-                  autoStash = true;
                   autoSquash = true;
+                  autoStash = true;
+                  updateRefs = true;
+                };
+                rerere = {
+                  enabled = true;
+                  autoupdate = true;
-                rerere.enabled = true;
                 branch.sort = "-committerdate";
+                tag.sort = "version:refname";
                 diff = {
+                  algorithm = "histogram";
+                  colorMoved = "plain";
                   mnemonicPrefix = true;
-                  renames = "copies";
+                  renames = true;
                   submodule = "log";
                 submodule.recurse = true;
@@ -109,18 +111,15 @@ in
                   confirm = "always";
                 column.ui = "auto";
-                github.user = lib.my.username;
-                gitlab.user = lib.my.username;
               // lib.mapAttrs' (n: v: lib.nameValuePair ''url "git@${v}:"'' { insteadOf = "${n}:"; }) {
-                "bitbucket" = "bitbucket.com";
                 "codeberg" = "codeberg.org";
                 "github" = "github.com";
                 "gitlab" = "gitlab.com";
-                "sourcehut" = "git.sr.ht";
               // lib.mapAttrs' (n: v: lib.nameValuePair ''url "https://${v}/"'' { insteadOf = "${n}:"; }) {
                 "alpine" = "gitlab.alpinelinux.org";
+                "bitbucket" = "bitbucket.com";
                 "clan" = "git.clan.lol";
                 "debian" = "salsa.debian.org";
                 "freedesktop" = "gitlab.freedesktop.org";
@@ -132,6 +131,7 @@ in
                 "nixca" = "gitlab.nixca.dev";
                 "notabug" = "notabug.org";
                 "opencode" = "opencode.net";
+                "sourcehut" = "git.sr.ht";
                 "syndicate" = "git.syndicate-lang.org";
                 "torproject" = "gitlab.torproject.org";
                 "videolan" = "code.videolan.org";
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ in
                 amend = "commit --amend";
                 cat = "cat-file -p";
-                fast = "clone --depth=1";
+                fast = "clone --depth=1 --single-branch";
                 fixup = "commit --fixup";
                 fuck = "!${git} reset --hard && ${git} clean --force -dx";
                 get = "pull --all --recurse-submodules --autostash";
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ in
                 wtc = "!${curl} -sq whatthecommit.com/index.txt | ${git} commit -F -";
-            # All helper tools/editor generated files should go here. This must be
-            # kept void of any project-specific or residual files.
+            # All helper tools/editor generated files should go here. This must
+            # be kept void of any project-specific files.
             ignores = [
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ in
           settings = {
             root-title = "git.azahi.cc";
-            root-desc = "British scientists have discovered that using GitHub frequently is harmful to one's mental health, especially GitHub Actions...";
+            root-desc = "Personal projects and other stuff.";
             footer = "${pkgs.writeText "cgit-footer" ''
               <p style="text-align: center;">Consider giving <a href="https://nixos.org">Nix/NixOS</a> a try! <3</p>
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ in
             readme = [
+              ":README.md"
@@ -270,7 +271,6 @@ in
           enable = true;
           user = "git";
           group = "git";
-          adminPubkey = lib.my.ssh.key;
           extraGitoliteRc = ''
             # This allows cgit to scan repositories while running under a
             # different user.
@@ -294,14 +294,17 @@ in
             "/" = {
-              extraConfig = lib.mkBefore extraHead;
+              extraConfig = lib.mkBefore (libNginx.config.noAICrawlers + extraHead);
               fastcgiParams.HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = "";
             "~ /.+/(info/refs|git-upload-pack)" = {
-              extraConfig = lib.mkBefore extraHead;
+              extraConfig = lib.mkBefore (libNginx.config.noAICrawlers + extraHead);
               fastcgiParams.HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = "";
-            "= /logo.gif".alias = "${./logo.gif}";
+            "= /logo.gif" = {
+              alias = "${./logo.gif}";
+              extraConfig = lib.mkForce "";
+            };
             "= /favicon.ico" = {
               alias = "${./favicon.ico}";
               extraConfig = lib.mkForce "";
diff --git a/modules/gnupg.nix b/modules/gnupg.nix
index 53e72a7..d1b1d8a 100644
--- a/modules/gnupg.nix
+++ b/modules/gnupg.nix
@@ -21,83 +21,19 @@ in
     hm = {
       programs.gpg = {
         enable = true;
         homedir = "${config.dirs.data}/gnupg";
-        settings =
-          {
-            display-charset = "utf-8";
-            enable-progress-filter = true;
-            fixed-list-mode = true;
-            keyid-format = "0xlong";
-            no-comments = true;
-            no-emit-version = true;
-            no-greeting = true;
-            with-fingerprint = true;
-            throw-keyids = false;
-            use-agent = true;
-            armor = true;
-            no-random-seed-file = true;
-            list-options = "show-uid-validity";
-            verify-options = "show-uid-validity";
-          }
-          // (
-            let
-              cipherAlgos = [
-                "AES256"
-                "AES192"
-                "AES"
-              ];
-              digestAlgos = [
-                "SHA512"
-                "SHA384"
-                "SHA256"
-                "SHA224"
-              ];
-              compressionAlgos = [
-                "ZLIB"
-                "BZIP2"
-                "ZIP"
-                "Uncompressed"
-              ];
-              cs = lib.concatStringsSep " ";
-            in
-            {
-              default-preference-list = cs (cipherAlgos ++ digestAlgos ++ compressionAlgos);
-              personal-cipher-preferences = cs cipherAlgos;
-              personal-digest-preferences = cs digestAlgos;
-              personal-compress-preferences = cs compressionAlgos;
-              s2k-cipher-algo = lib.head cipherAlgos;
-              s2k-digest-algo = lib.head digestAlgos;
-              digest-algo = lib.head digestAlgos;
-              cert-digest-algo = lib.head digestAlgos;
-            }
-          );
+        settings = {
+          armor = true;
+          keyid-format = "long";
+          no-greeting = true;
+          no-random-seed-file = true;
+          with-fingerprint = false;
+          with-keygrip = false;
+        };
       services.gpg-agent = {
         enable = true;
-        enableSshSupport = true;
-        enableScDaemon = false;
-        defaultCacheTtl = 999999;
-        defaultCacheTtlSsh = 999999;
-        maxCacheTtl = 999999;
-        maxCacheTtlSsh = 999999;
-        grabKeyboardAndMouse = true;
-        sshKeys = [ lib.my.pgp.grip ];
         pinentryPackage = cfg.pinentry;
diff --git a/modules/grafana.nix b/modules/grafana.nix
index b1745e5..fd46589 100644
--- a/modules/grafana.nix
+++ b/modules/grafana.nix
@@ -122,6 +122,20 @@ in
+      environment.etc."alloy/grafana.alloy".text = ''
+        prometheus.scrape "grafana" {
+          targets = [
+            {
+              __address__ = "${toString cfg.port}",
+              instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+            },
+          ]
+          forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+        }
+      '';
+      systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/grafana.alloy".source ];
       topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.grafana.info = lib.mkForce cfg.domain;
diff --git a/modules/kde.nix b/modules/kde.nix
index a23eaa4..7c0b164 100644
--- a/modules/kde.nix
+++ b/modules/kde.nix
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ in
       xdg.configFile = {
         "fontconfig/conf.d/10-hm-fonts.conf".force = lib.mkForce true;
         "mimeapps.list".force = lib.mkForce true;
+        "menus/applications.menu".source =
+          lib.mkForce "${pkgs.kdePackages.plasma-workspace}/etc/xdg/menus/plasma-applications.menu";
diff --git a/modules/loki.nix b/modules/loki.nix
index a9ebb28..44e663f 100644
--- a/modules/loki.nix
+++ b/modules/loki.nix
@@ -32,7 +32,12 @@ in
       enable = true;
       upstreams.loki.servers."${toString cfg.port}" = { };
       virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
-        locations."/".proxyPass = "http://loki";
+        locations = {
+          "/".proxyPass = "http://loki";
+          # "/loki".extraConfig = ''
+          #   rewrite ^/loki/(.*)$ /$1 break;
+          # '';
+        };
         extraConfig = libNginx.config.internalOnly;
@@ -47,10 +52,12 @@ in
           http_listen_address = "";
           http_listen_port = cfg.port;
-          grpc_listen_address = "";
+          grpc_listen_address = "";
           grpc_listen_port = server.http_listen_port + 1;
+          log_format = "logfmt";
           log_level = "warn";
+          log_source_ips_enabled = true;
         common = {
@@ -62,13 +69,13 @@ in
           replication_factor = 1;
           ring = {
             instance_addr = "";
-            kvstore.store = "inmemory";
+            kvstore.store = "memberlist";
-        ingester = {
-          chunk_idle_period = "15m";
-          max_chunk_age = "15m";
+        memberlist = {
+          bind_port = 7946;
+          message_history_buffer_bytes = lib.pow 2 13;
         compactor = {
@@ -76,6 +83,7 @@ in
           retention_enabled = true;
           retention_delete_delay = "1h";
           retention_delete_worker_count = 64;
+          delete_request_store = "filesystem";
         ruler = {
@@ -90,24 +98,20 @@ in
           max_streams_per_user = 0;
           max_global_streams_per_user = 0;
           max_query_series = 4096;
-          retention_period = "720h";
+          retention_period = "14d";
           deletion_mode = "filter-and-delete";
         schema_config.configs = [
-            from = "2024-01-01";
-            store = "tsdb";
+            from = "2025-01-01";
             object_store = "filesystem";
-            schema = "v12";
+            store = "tsdb";
+            schema = "v13";
             index = {
               prefix = "index_";
               period = "24h";
-            chunks = {
-              prefix = "chunks_";
-              period = "24h";
-            };
@@ -115,11 +119,19 @@ in
-    systemd.tmpfiles.rules = with config.services.loki.configuration.common; [
-      "d ${path_prefix} 0700 loki loki - -"
-      "d ${storage.filesystem.chunks_directory} 0700 loki loki - -"
-      "d ${storage.filesystem.rules_directory} 0700 loki loki - -"
-    ];
+    environment.etc."alloy/loki.alloy".text = ''
+      prometheus.scrape "loki" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${toString cfg.port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/loki.alloy".source ];
     topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.loki.info = cfg.domain;
diff --git a/modules/mimir.nix b/modules/mimir.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8effa59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/mimir.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+  config,
+  inputs,
+  lib,
+  libNginx,
+  this,
+  ...
+  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.mimir;
+  options.nixfiles.modules.mimir = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Mimir";
+    port = lib.mkOption {
+      description = "Port.";
+      type = lib.types.port;
+      default = 30161;
+    };
+    domain = lib.mkOption {
+      description = "Domain name sans protocol scheme.";
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      default = "mimir.${config.networking.domain}";
+    };
+  };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    nixfiles.modules.nginx = {
+      enable = true;
+      upstreams.mimir.servers."${toString cfg.port}" = { };
+      virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
+        locations."/".proxyPass = "http://mimir";
+        extraConfig = libNginx.config.internalOnly;
+      };
+    };
+    services.mimir = {
+      enable = true;
+      configuration = rec {
+        target = "all,alertmanager";
+        enable_go_runtime_metrics = true;
+        multitenancy_enabled = false;
+        server = {
+          http_listen_address = "";
+          http_listen_port = cfg.port;
+          # https://github.com/grafana/mimir/discussions/7047
+          grpc_listen_address = "";
+          grpc_listen_port = server.http_listen_port + 1;
+          log_format = "logfmt";
+          log_level = "warn";
+          log_source_ips_enabled = true;
+        };
+        ingester.ring.replication_factor = 1;
+        store_gateway.sharding_ring.replication_factor = 1;
+        alertmanager.sharding_ring.replication_factor = 1;
+        activity_tracker.filepath = "";
+        memberlist = {
+          bind_port = 7945;
+          message_history_buffer_bytes = lib.pow 2 13;
+        };
+        limits.compactor_blocks_retention_period = "90d";
+        usage_stats.enabled = false;
+      };
+    };
+    environment.etc."alloy/mimir.alloy".text = ''
+      prometheus.relabel "mimir" {
+        rule {
+          action        = "replace"
+          replacement   = "default/mimir"
+          target_label  = "job"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "replace"
+          replacement   = "default"
+          target_label  = "cluster"
+        }
+        rule {
+          action        = "replace"
+          replacement   = "default"
+          target_label  = "namespace"
+        }
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+      prometheus.scrape "mimir" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${toString cfg.port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.mimir.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/mimir.alloy".source ];
+    topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.mimir = {
+      name = "Mimir";
+      icon = "${inputs.homelab-svg-assets}/assets/prometheus.svg";
+      info = cfg.domain;
+      details.listen.text = "${toString cfg.port}";
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/dashboards/endlessh.json b/modules/monitoring/dashboards/endlessh.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af5595..0000000
--- a/modules/monitoring/dashboards/endlessh.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1446 +0,0 @@
-  "annotations": {
-    "list": [
-      {
-        "builtIn": 1,
-        "datasource": {
-          "type": "datasource",
-          "uid": "grafana"
-        },
-        "enable": true,
-        "hide": true,
-        "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
-        "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
-        "target": {
-          "limit": 100,
-          "matchAny": false,
-          "tags": [],
-          "type": "dashboard"
-        },
-        "type": "dashboard"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "description": "",
-  "editable": true,
-  "fiscalYearStartMonth": 0,
-  "gnetId": 15156,
-  "graphTooltip": 0,
-  "id": 60,
-  "links": [],
-  "liveNow": false,
-  "panels": [
-    {
-      "datasource": {
-        "type": "datasource",
-        "uid": "-- Dashboard --"
-      },
-      "fieldConfig": {
-        "defaults": {
-          "color": {
-            "mode": "thresholds"
-          },
-          "mappings": [],
-          "thresholds": {
-            "mode": "absolute",
-            "steps": [
-              {
-                "color": "green",
-                "value": null
-              }
-            ]
-          }
-        },
-        "overrides": []
-      },
-      "gridPos": {
-        "h": 3,
-        "w": 4,
-        "x": 0,
-        "y": 0
-      },
-      "id": 36,
-      "options": {
-        "colorMode": "value",
-        "graphMode": "none",
-        "justifyMode": "auto",
-        "orientation": "auto",
-        "reduceOptions": {
-          "calcs": [
-            "lastNotNull"
-          ],
-          "fields": "/^Total number connections that endlessh trapped$/",
-          "values": false
-        },
-        "text": {},
-        "textMode": "auto"
-      },
-      "targets": [
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "datasource",
-            "uid": "-- Dashboard --"
-          },
-          "panelId": 49,
-          "refId": "A"
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "Connections",
-      "transformations": [
-        {
-          "id": "filterByRefId",
-          "options": {
-            "include": "Seen"
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          "id": "filterByValue",
-          "options": {
-            "filters": [
-              {
-                "config": {
-                  "id": "greaterOrEqual",
-                  "options": {
-                    "value": 0
-                  }
-                },
-                "fieldName": "Value #Seen"
-              }
-            ],
-            "match": "any",
-            "type": "include"
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          "id": "groupBy",
-          "options": {
-            "fields": {
-              "Value #Seen": {
-                "aggregations": [
-                  "sum"
-                ],
-                "operation": "aggregate"
-              },
-              "ip": {
-                "aggregations": [],
-                "operation": "groupby"
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          "id": "reduce",
-          "options": {
-            "includeTimeField": false,
-            "labelsToFields": false,
-            "mode": "reduceFields",
-            "reducers": [
-              "sum"
-            ]
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          "id": "organize",
-          "options": {
-            "excludeByName": {},
-            "indexByName": {},
-            "renameByName": {
-              "Value #Seen (sum)": "Total number connections that endlessh trapped"
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      ],
-      "type": "stat"
-    },
-    {
-      "datasource": {
-        "type": "datasource",
-        "uid": "-- Dashboard --"
-      },
-      "fieldConfig": {
-        "defaults": {
-          "color": {
-            "mode": "thresholds"
-          },
-          "mappings": [],
-          "thresholds": {
-            "mode": "absolute",
-            "steps": [
-              {
-                "color": "green",
-                "value": null
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          "unit": "s"
-        },
-        "overrides": []
-      },
-      "gridPos": {
-        "h": 3,
-        "w": 4,
-        "x": 4,
-        "y": 0
-      },
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-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"system\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "interval": "",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "System - Processes executing in kernel mode",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "A",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"user\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "User - Normal processes executing in user mode",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "B",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
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-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"nice\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Nice - Niced processes executing in user mode",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "C",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"iowait\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Iowait - Waiting for I/O to complete",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "E",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"irq\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Irq - Servicing interrupts",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "F",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"softirq\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Softirq - Servicing softirqs",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "G",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"steal\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Steal - Time spent in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "H",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\", mode=\"idle\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(instance) group_left sum by (instance)((irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])))",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Idle - Waiting for something to happen",
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-          "refId": "J",
-          "step": 240
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "CPU",
-      "type": "timeseries"
-    },
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-        "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-      },
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-              "options": "Apps"
-            },
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-              "options": "Cache"
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-                  "mode": "fixed"
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-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          {
-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Hardware Corrupted - Amount of RAM that the kernel identified as corrupted / not working"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#CFFAFF",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
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-              "options": "Inactive"
-            },
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-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Page_Tables"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#0A50A1",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          {
-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "RAM_Free"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
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-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#E0F9D7",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
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-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Slab"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#806EB7",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
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-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Slab_Cache"
-            },
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-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
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-                "id": "color",
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-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          {
-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Swap - Swap memory usage"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#BF1B00",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
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-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Swap_Cache"
-            },
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-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#C15C17",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
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-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Swap_Free"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
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-                }
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-                "id": "color",
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-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          {
-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byName",
-              "options": "Unused - Free memory unassigned"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "color",
-                "value": {
-                  "fixedColor": "#052B51",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          {
-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byRegexp",
-              "options": "/.*Hardware Corrupted - *./"
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "custom.stacking",
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-                  "mode": "normal"
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-        {
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-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_MemFree_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_Buffers_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_Cached_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_Slab_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_PageTables_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_SwapCached_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Apps - Memory used by user-space applications",
-          "refId": "A",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_PageTables_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "PageTables - Memory used to map between virtual and physical memory addresses",
-          "refId": "B",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_SwapCached_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "SwapCache - Memory that keeps track of pages that have been fetched from swap but not yet been modified",
-          "refId": "C",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_Slab_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Slab - Memory used by the kernel to cache data structures for its own use (caches like inode, dentry, etc)",
-          "refId": "D",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_Cached_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Cache - Parked file data (file content) cache",
-          "refId": "E",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_Buffers_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Buffers - Block device (e.g. harddisk) cache",
-          "refId": "F",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_MemFree_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Unused - Free memory unassigned",
-          "refId": "G",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "(node_memory_SwapTotal_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"} - node_memory_SwapFree_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"})",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Swap - Swap space used",
-          "refId": "H",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "node_memory_HardwareCorrupted_bytes{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "Hardware Corrupted - Amount of RAM that the kernel identified as corrupted / not working",
-          "refId": "I",
-          "step": 240
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "Memory Stack",
-      "type": "timeseries"
-    },
-    {
-      "datasource": {
-        "type": "prometheus",
-        "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-      },
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-                "value": 80
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-          "unit": "bps"
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-              "options": "/.*Trans.*/"
-            },
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-              }
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-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "irate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])*8",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "{{device}} - Receive",
-          "refId": "A",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
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-          "format": "time_series",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
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-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
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-            "type": "prometheus",
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-      "title": "TCP In / Out",
-      "type": "timeseries"
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-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "irate(node_netstat_TcpExt_ListenOverflows{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"}[$__rate_interval])",
-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
-          "interval": "",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "ListenOverflows - Times the listen queue of a socket overflowed",
-          "refId": "A",
-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
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-          "format": "time_series",
-          "hide": false,
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-          "refId": "B",
-          "step": 240
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-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
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-          "step": 240
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
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-                  "fixedColor": "#F2495C",
-                  "mode": "fixed"
-                }
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          {
-            "matcher": {
-              "id": "byValue",
-              "options": {
-                "op": "gte",
-                "reducer": "allIsZero",
-                "value": 0
-              }
-            },
-            "properties": [
-              {
-                "id": "custom.hideFrom",
-                "value": {
-                  "legend": true,
-                  "tooltip": true,
-                  "viz": false
-                }
-              }
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-      },
-      "gridPos": {
-        "h": 8,
-        "w": 12,
-        "x": 0,
-        "y": 60
-      },
-      "id": 60,
-      "options": {
-        "legend": {
-          "calcs": [
-            "mean",
-            "lastNotNull"
-          ],
-          "displayMode": "table",
-          "placement": "right",
-          "showLegend": true
-        },
-        "tooltip": {
-          "mode": "multi",
-          "sort": "none"
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-      },
-      "pluginVersion": "10.2.0",
-      "targets": [
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "sum(irate(unbound_cache_hits_total{instance=\"$instance\"}[5m]))",
-          "legendFormat": "hits",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "A"
-        },
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "expr": "sum(irate(unbound_cache_misses_total{instance=\"$instance\"}[5m]))",
-          "legendFormat": "misses",
-          "refId": "B"
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "Cache hits / misses",
-      "type": "timeseries"
-    },
-    {
-      "datasource": {
-        "type": "prometheus",
-        "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-      },
-      "description": "Memory in bytes by caches",
-      "fieldConfig": {
-        "defaults": {
-          "color": {
-            "mode": "palette-classic"
-          },
-          "custom": {
-            "axisBorderShow": false,
-            "axisCenteredZero": false,
-            "axisColorMode": "text",
-            "axisLabel": "",
-            "axisPlacement": "auto",
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-              "mode": "none"
-            },
-            "thresholdsStyle": {
-              "mode": "off"
-            }
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-              {
-                "color": "green",
-                "value": null
-              },
-              {
-                "color": "red",
-                "value": 80
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          "unit": "bytes"
-        },
-        "overrides": []
-      },
-      "gridPos": {
-        "h": 8,
-        "w": 12,
-        "x": 12,
-        "y": 60
-      },
-      "id": 6,
-      "options": {
-        "legend": {
-          "calcs": [
-            "lastNotNull"
-          ],
-          "displayMode": "table",
-          "placement": "right",
-          "showLegend": true
-        },
-        "tooltip": {
-          "mode": "multi",
-          "sort": "none"
-        }
-      },
-      "pluginVersion": "10.2.0",
-      "targets": [
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "rate(unbound_memory_caches_bytes{instance=\"$instance\"}[5m])",
-          "legendFormat": "{{cache}}",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "A"
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "Cache size",
-      "type": "timeseries"
-    },
-    {
-      "collapsed": false,
-      "datasource": {
-        "type": "prometheus",
-        "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-      },
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-        "w": 24,
-        "x": 0,
-        "y": 68
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-      "id": 4,
-      "panels": [],
-      "targets": [
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "refId": "A"
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "Memory",
-      "type": "row"
-    },
-    {
-      "datasource": {
-        "type": "prometheus",
-        "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-      },
-      "description": "Memory in use by modules",
-      "fieldConfig": {
-        "defaults": {
-          "color": {
-            "mode": "palette-classic"
-          },
-          "custom": {
-            "axisBorderShow": false,
-            "axisCenteredZero": false,
-            "axisColorMode": "text",
-            "axisLabel": "",
-            "axisPlacement": "auto",
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-            "fillOpacity": 10,
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-              "tooltip": false,
-              "viz": false
-            },
-            "insertNulls": false,
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-            "spanNulls": false,
-            "stacking": {
-              "group": "A",
-              "mode": "none"
-            },
-            "thresholdsStyle": {
-              "mode": "off"
-            }
-          },
-          "links": [],
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-            "steps": [
-              {
-                "color": "green",
-                "value": null
-              },
-              {
-                "color": "red",
-                "value": 80
-              }
-            ]
-          },
-          "unit": "bytes"
-        },
-        "overrides": []
-      },
-      "gridPos": {
-        "h": 8,
-        "w": 12,
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-        "y": 69
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-      "options": {
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-          "calcs": [
-            "lastNotNull"
-          ],
-          "displayMode": "table",
-          "placement": "right",
-          "showLegend": true
-        },
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-          "mode": "multi",
-          "sort": "none"
-        }
-      },
-      "pluginVersion": "10.2.0",
-      "targets": [
-        {
-          "datasource": {
-            "type": "prometheus",
-            "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-          },
-          "editorMode": "code",
-          "expr": "unbound_memory_modules_bytes",
-          "legendFormat": "{{module}}",
-          "range": true,
-          "refId": "A"
-        }
-      ],
-      "title": "Modules size",
-      "type": "timeseries"
-    }
-  ],
-  "refresh": "5s",
-  "revision": 1,
-  "schemaVersion": 38,
-  "tags": [],
-  "templating": {
-    "list": [
-      {
-        "current": {
-          "selected": false,
-          "text": "manwe",
-          "value": "manwe"
-        },
-        "datasource": {
-          "type": "prometheus",
-          "uid": "PBFA97CFB590B2093"
-        },
-        "definition": "label_values(unbound_up, instance)",
-        "hide": 0,
-        "includeAll": false,
-        "multi": false,
-        "name": "instance",
-        "options": [],
-        "query": {
-          "query": "label_values(unbound_up, instance)",
-          "refId": "Prometheus-instance-Variable-Query"
-        },
-        "refresh": 2,
-        "regex": "",
-        "skipUrlSync": false,
-        "sort": 0,
-        "tagValuesQuery": "",
-        "tagsQuery": "",
-        "type": "query",
-        "useTags": false
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "time": {
-    "from": "now-24h",
-    "to": "now"
-  },
-  "timepicker": {
-    "refresh_intervals": [
-      "5s",
-      "10s",
-      "30s",
-      "1m",
-      "5m",
-      "15m",
-      "30m",
-      "1h",
-      "2h",
-      "1d"
-    ]
-  },
-  "timezone": "",
-  "title": "Unbound",
-  "uid": "9FQf4fEWz",
-  "version": 1,
-  "weekStart": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/default.nix b/modules/monitoring/default.nix
index 04fcccc..7051133 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/default.nix
+++ b/modules/monitoring/default.nix
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ in
   config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
     nixfiles.modules = {
-      alertmanager.enable = true;
+      loki.enable = true;
       grafana.enable = true;
-      loki.enable = false; # FIXME High RAM usage.
-      prometheus.enable = true;
+      tempo.enable = false;
+      mimir.enable = true;
     services = {
@@ -33,25 +33,31 @@ in
           # https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/#data-sources
           datasources.settings.datasources = with config.nixfiles.modules; [
-            (lib.mkIf alertmanager.enable {
+            (lib.mkIf mimir.enable {
               name = "Alertmanager";
               type = "alertmanager";
               access = "proxy";
-              url = "https://${alertmanager.domain}";
+              url = "https://${mimir.domain}/alertmanager";
               jsonData.implementation = "prometheus";
+            (lib.mkIf mimir.enable {
+              name = "Mimir";
+              type = "prometheus";
+              access = "proxy";
+              url = "https://${mimir.domain}/prometheus";
+              isDefault = true;
+            })
             (lib.mkIf loki.enable {
               name = "Loki";
               type = "loki";
               access = "proxy";
               url = "https://${loki.domain}";
-              isDefault = true;
-            (lib.mkIf prometheus.enable {
-              name = "Prometheus";
-              type = "prometheus";
+            (lib.mkIf tempo.enable {
+              name = "Tempo";
+              type = "tempo";
               access = "proxy";
-              url = "https://${prometheus.domain}";
+              url = "https://${tempo.domain}";
             (lib.mkIf redis.enable {
               name = "Redis";
@@ -62,16 +68,20 @@ in
           datasources.settings.deleteDatasources = with config.nixfiles.modules; [
-            (lib.mkIf (!alertmanager.enable) {
+            (lib.mkIf (!mimir.enable) {
               name = "Alertmanager";
               orgId = 1;
+            (lib.mkIf (!mimir.enable) {
+              name = "Mimir";
+              orgId = 1;
+            })
             (lib.mkIf (!loki.enable) {
               name = "Loki";
               orgId = 1;
-            (lib.mkIf (!prometheus.enable) {
-              name = "Prometheus";
+            (lib.mkIf (!tempo.enable) {
+              name = "Tempo";
               orgId = 1;
             (lib.mkIf (!redis.enable) {
@@ -80,38 +90,6 @@ in
-          # https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/#dashboards
-          dashboards.settings.providers = [
-            {
-              name = "node";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/node.json;
-            }
-            {
-              name = "ntfy";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/ntfy.json;
-            }
-            {
-              name = "endlessh";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/endlessh.json;
-            }
-            {
-              name = "unbound";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/unbound.json;
-            }
-            {
-              name = "nginx";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/nginx.json;
-            }
-            {
-              name = "postgersql";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/postgresql.json;
-            }
-            {
-              name = "redis";
-              options.path = ./dashboards/redis.json;
-            }
-          ];
           # https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/#alerting
           alerting.contactPoints.settings.contactPoints = [
@@ -120,7 +98,7 @@ in
                   uid = 1;
                   type = "prometheus-alertmanager";
-                  settings.url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.alertmanager.domain}";
+                  settings.url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.mimir.domain}/alertmanager";
@@ -128,122 +106,22 @@ in
-      loki.configuration.ruler = {
-        external_url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.grafana.domain}";
-        alertmanager_url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.alertmanager.domain}";
-        enable_alertmanager_v2 = true;
+      mimir.configuration = {
+        ruler = {
+          alertmanager_url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.mimir.domain}/alertmanager";
+        };
+        alertmanager = {
+          external_url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.mimir.domain}/alertmanager";
+        };
-      prometheus = {
-        scrapeConfigs =
-          lib.mapAttrsToList
-            (name: value: {
-              job_name = name;
-              static_configs = [
-                {
-                  targets = map (
-                    host:
-                    lib.concatStringsSep ":" [
-                      (if lib.isAttrs host then host.hostname else host)
-                      (toString value.port)
-                    ]
-                  ) value.hosts;
-                }
-              ];
-              relabel_configs = [
-                {
-                  source_labels = [ "__address__" ];
-                  regex = "([^:]+):\\d+";
-                  target_label = "instance";
-                }
-              ] ++ lib.optionals (lib.hasAttr "relabel" value) value.relabel;
-            })
-            (
-              with lib.my.configurations;
-              {
-                promtail = {
-                  hosts = [
-                    manwe
-                    tulkas
-                    varda
-                    yavanna
-                  ];
-                  inherit (config.nixfiles.modules.promtail) port;
-                };
-                ntfy = {
-                  hosts = [ manwe ];
-                  inherit (config.nixfiles.modules.ntfy.prometheus) port;
-                };
-                soju = {
-                  hosts = [ "" ];
-                  inherit (config.nixfiles.modules.soju.prometheus) port;
-                };
-                endlessh-go = {
-                  hosts = [
-                    manwe
-                    tulkas
-                    varda
-                    yavanna
-                  ];
-                  inherit (config.services.endlessh-go.prometheus) port;
-                };
-                exportarr-prowlarr = {
-                  hosts = [ yavanna ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.exportarr-prowlarr) port;
-                };
-                exportarr-lidarr = {
-                  hosts = [ yavanna ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.exportarr-lidarr) port;
-                };
-                nginx = {
-                  hosts = [
-                    manwe
-                    yavanna
-                  ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.nginx) port;
-                };
-                node = {
-                  hosts = [
-                    manwe
-                    tulkas
-                    varda
-                    yavanna
-                  ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.node) port;
-                };
-                postgres = {
-                  hosts = [ manwe ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.postgres) port;
-                };
-                redis = {
-                  hosts = [ manwe ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.redis) port;
-                };
-                unbound = {
-                  hosts = [ manwe ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.unbound) port;
-                };
-                wireguard = {
-                  hosts = [ manwe ];
-                  inherit (config.services.prometheus.exporters.wireguard) port;
-                };
-              }
-            );
-        ruleFiles = [
-          ./rules/nginx.yaml
-          ./rules/node.yaml
-          ./rules/postgres.yaml
-          ./rules/redis.yaml
-        ];
-        alertmanagers = [
-          {
-            scheme = "https";
-            static_configs = [ { targets = [ config.nixfiles.modules.alertmanager.domain ]; } ];
-          }
-        ];
+      loki.configuration = {
+        ruler = {
+          alertmanager_url = "https://${config.nixfiles.modules.mimir.domain}/alertmanager";
+        };
+      tempo.settings = { };
diff --git a/modules/mpv.nix b/modules/mpv.nix
index f8278e1..7fb692b 100644
--- a/modules/mpv.nix
+++ b/modules/mpv.nix
@@ -95,138 +95,142 @@ in
         audio ++ video ++ image;
-    hm.programs.mpv = {
-      enable = true;
-      package = pkgs.mpv.override {
-        scripts = with pkgs.mpvScripts; [
-          autoload
-          mpv-cheatsheet
-          mpv-webm
-          sponsorblock
-          thumbfast
-          uosc
-          webtorrent-mpv-hook
-        ];
-      };
-      bindings = {
-        "RIGHT" = "seek 10";
-        "LEFT" = "seek -10";
-        "UP" = "seek 60";
-        "DOWN" = "seek -60";
-        "Shift+RIGHT" = "no-osd seek 1 exact";
-        "Shift+LEFT" = "no-osd seek -1 exact";
-        "Shift+UP" = "no-osd seek 5 exact";
-        "Shift+DOWN" = "no-osd seek -5 exact";
+    hm = {
+      stylix.targets.mpv.enable = false;
+      programs.mpv = {
+        enable = true;
+        package = pkgs.mpv.override {
+          scripts = with pkgs.mpvScripts; [
+            autoload
+            mpv-cheatsheet
+            mpv-webm
+            sponsorblock
+            thumbfast
+            uosc
+            webtorrent-mpv-hook
+          ];
+        };
-        "Alt+h" = "add sub-delay +1";
-        "Alt+l" = "add sub-delay -1";
+        bindings = {
+          "RIGHT" = "seek 10";
+          "LEFT" = "seek -10";
+          "UP" = "seek 60";
+          "DOWN" = "seek -60";
-        "Alt+k" = "add sub-scale +0.1";
-        "Alt+j" = "add sub-scale -0.1";
+          "Shift+RIGHT" = "no-osd seek 1 exact";
+          "Shift+LEFT" = "no-osd seek -1 exact";
+          "Shift+UP" = "no-osd seek 5 exact";
+          "Shift+DOWN" = "no-osd seek -5 exact";
-        "B" = ''cycle-values background "#000000" "#ffffff"'';
-      };
+          "Alt+h" = "add sub-delay +1";
+          "Alt+l" = "add sub-delay -1";
-      profiles = {
-        "protocol.http".force-window = "immediate";
-        "protocol.https".profile = "protocol.http";
+          "Alt+k" = "add sub-scale +0.1";
+          "Alt+j" = "add sub-scale -0.1";
-        "extension.gif" = {
-          cache = false;
-          loop-file = true;
-        };
-        "extension.png" = {
-          profile = "extension.gif";
-          video-aspect-override = 0;
+          "B" = ''cycle-values background "#000000" "#ffffff"'';
-        "extension.jpeg".profile = "extension.png";
-        "extension.jpg".profile = "extension.png";
-      };
-      config =
-        let
-          lang = lib.concatStringsSep "," [
-            "Japanese"
-            "japanese"
-            "jp"
-            "jpn"
-            "jaJP"
-            "ja-JP"
-            "English"
-            "english"
-            "en"
-            "eng"
-            "enUS"
-            "en-US"
-            "Russian"
-            "russian"
-            "ru"
-            "rus"
-            "ruRU"
-            "ru-RU"
-          ];
-        in
-        {
-          autofit-larger = "100%x95%";
-          cache = true;
-          cursor-autohide = 1000;
-          cursor-autohide-fs-only = true;
-          demuxer-max-back-bytes = "20M";
-          demuxer-max-bytes = "20M";
-          force-seekable = true;
-          fullscreen = true;
-          msg-color = true;
-          msg-module = true;
-          prefetch-playlist = true;
-          save-position-on-quit = true;
-          screenshot-format = "png";
-          screenshot-template = "%F [%p]";
-          stop-screensaver = true;
-          term-osd-bar = true;
-          use-filedir-conf = true;
-          osd-bar-align-y = 0;
-          osd-bar-h = 2;
-          osd-bar-w = 60;
-          osd-border-color = "#FF262626";
-          osd-border-size = 2;
-          osd-color = "#FFFFFFFF";
-          osd-duration = 1000;
-          osd-font-size = 40;
-          osd-fractions = true;
-          osd-level = 1;
-          osd-shadow-color = "#33000000";
-          blend-subtitles = true;
-          embeddedfonts = false;
-          sub-ass-force-margins = true;
-          sub-ass-force-style = "kerning=yes";
-          sub-auto = "fuzzy";
-          sub-border-color = "#FF262626";
-          sub-border-size = 2.5;
-          sub-color = "#FFFFFFFF";
-          sub-file-paths-append = "srt";
-          sub-fix-timing = true;
-          sub-font-size = 40;
-          sub-scale-with-window = true;
-          sub-shadow-color = "#33000000";
-          sub-shadow-offset = 1;
-          sub-spacing = 0.5;
-          sub-use-margins = true;
-          audio-file-auto = "fuzzy";
-          volume = 100;
-          volume-max = 200;
-          alang = lang;
-          slang = lang;
-          ytdl = true;
-          ytdl-raw-options = ''sub-lang="${lang}",write-sub='';
+        profiles = {
+          "protocol.http".force-window = "immediate";
+          "protocol.https".profile = "protocol.http";
+          "extension.gif" = {
+            cache = false;
+            loop-file = true;
+          };
+          "extension.png" = {
+            profile = "extension.gif";
+            video-aspect-override = 0;
+          };
+          "extension.jpeg".profile = "extension.png";
+          "extension.jpg".profile = "extension.png";
+        config =
+          let
+            lang = lib.concatStringsSep "," [
+              "Japanese"
+              "japanese"
+              "jp"
+              "jpn"
+              "jaJP"
+              "ja-JP"
+              "English"
+              "english"
+              "en"
+              "eng"
+              "enUS"
+              "en-US"
+              "Russian"
+              "russian"
+              "ru"
+              "rus"
+              "ruRU"
+              "ru-RU"
+            ];
+          in
+          {
+            autofit-larger = "100%x95%";
+            cache = true;
+            cursor-autohide = 1000;
+            cursor-autohide-fs-only = true;
+            demuxer-max-back-bytes = "20M";
+            demuxer-max-bytes = "20M";
+            force-seekable = true;
+            fullscreen = true;
+            msg-color = true;
+            msg-module = true;
+            prefetch-playlist = true;
+            save-position-on-quit = true;
+            screenshot-format = "png";
+            screenshot-template = "%F [%p]";
+            stop-screensaver = true;
+            term-osd-bar = true;
+            use-filedir-conf = true;
+            osd-bar-align-y = 0;
+            osd-bar-h = 2;
+            osd-bar-w = 60;
+            osd-border-color = "#FF262626";
+            osd-border-size = 2;
+            osd-color = "#FFFFFFFF";
+            osd-duration = 1000;
+            osd-font-size = 40;
+            osd-fractions = true;
+            osd-level = 1;
+            osd-shadow-color = "#33000000";
+            blend-subtitles = true;
+            embeddedfonts = false;
+            sub-ass-force-margins = true;
+            sub-ass-force-style = "kerning=yes";
+            sub-auto = "fuzzy";
+            sub-border-color = "#FF262626";
+            sub-border-size = 2.5;
+            sub-color = "#FFFFFFFF";
+            sub-file-paths-append = "srt";
+            sub-fix-timing = true;
+            sub-font-size = 40;
+            sub-scale-with-window = true;
+            sub-shadow-color = "#33000000";
+            sub-shadow-offset = 1;
+            sub-spacing = 0.5;
+            sub-use-margins = true;
+            audio-file-auto = "fuzzy";
+            volume = 100;
+            volume-max = 200;
+            alang = lang;
+            slang = lang;
+            ytdl = true;
+            ytdl-raw-options = ''sub-lang="${lang}",write-sub='';
+          };
+      };
diff --git a/modules/nginx.nix b/modules/nginx.nix
index dee08e4..e41999c 100644
--- a/modules/nginx.nix
+++ b/modules/nginx.nix
@@ -28,11 +28,15 @@ in
   config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
     _module.args.libNginx.config = {
       internalOnly = ''
-        add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet";
-        access_log off;
         if ($internal != 1) {
           return 403;
+        access_log off;
+      '';
+      noAICrawlers = ''
+        if ($crawler != 0) {
+          return 403;
+        }
       appendHead = text: ''
         brotli off;
@@ -80,6 +84,20 @@ in
         commonHttpConfig = lib.concatStrings [
             access_log syslog:server=unix:/dev/log;
+            map $http_user_agent $crawler {
+              default 0;
+              ${
+                pkgs.fetchurl {
+                  url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ai-robots-txt/ai.robots.txt/5e7c3c432f8bad894363c7289b888328f98963f3/robots.json";
+                  hash = "sha256-purIvhot5wNyQH2fYrwQ8E/WaO/EYdOeqxQM5xLb8zA=";
+                }
+                |> builtins.readFile
+                |> builtins.fromJSON
+                |> lib.mapAttrsToList (n: _: "'${n}' 1;")
+                |> lib.concatLines
+              }
+            }
           (lib.optionalString (lib.hasAttr "wireguard" this) (
             with config.nixfiles.modules.wireguard;
@@ -126,13 +144,42 @@ in
         nginx-botsearch.enabled = true;
-      prometheus.exporters.nginx = {
-        enable = true;
-        listenAddress = lib.mkDefault this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
-        port = lib.mkDefault 9113;
+      prometheus.exporters = {
+        nginx = {
+          enable = true;
+          listenAddress = "";
+          port = 9113;
+        };
+        nginxlog = {
+          enable = false;
+          listenAddress = "";
+          port = 9117;
+          group = "nginx";
+          settings.namespaces = [
+            {
+              source.syslog = {
+                # TODO
+              };
+            }
+          ];
+        };
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/nginx.alloy".source ];
+    environment.etc."alloy/nginx.alloy".text = with config.services.prometheus.exporters.nginx; ''
+      prometheus.scrape "nginx" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
     security.dhparams = {
       enable = true;
       params.nginx = { };
diff --git a/modules/nmap.nix b/modules/nmap.nix
index 894dcb4..f3fe701 100644
--- a/modules/nmap.nix
+++ b/modules/nmap.nix
@@ -35,33 +35,29 @@ in
       systemd.user = {
-        services.update-nmap-vulscan-lists = {
-          Service = {
-            ExecStart = lib.getExe (
-              pkgs.writeShellApplication {
-                name = "update-nmap-vulscan-lists";
-                runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.curl ];
-                text = ''
-                  declare -a vulscandbs=(
-                    "cve"
-                    "exploitdb"
-                    "openvas"
-                    "osvdb"
-                    "scipvuldb"
-                    "securityfocus"
-                    "securitytracker"
-                    "xforce"
-                  )
-                  for i in "''${vulscandbs[@]}"; do
-                    curl \
-                      -o "${config.my.home}/.nmap/scripts/vulscan/$i.csv" \
-                      "https://www.computec.ch/projekte/vulscan/download/$i.csv"
-                  done
-                '';
-              }
-            );
-          };
-        };
+        services.update-nmap-vulscan-lists.Service.ExecStart =
+          pkgs.writeShellApplication {
+            name = "update-nmap-vulscan-lists";
+            runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.curl ];
+            text = ''
+              declare -a vulscandbs=(
+                "cve"
+                "exploitdb"
+                "openvas"
+                "osvdb"
+                "scipvuldb"
+                "securityfocus"
+                "securitytracker"
+                "xforce"
+              )
+              for i in "''${vulscandbs[@]}"; do
+                curl \
+                  -o "${config.my.home}/.nmap/scripts/vulscan/$i.csv" \
+                  "https://www.computec.ch/projekte/vulscan/download/$i.csv"
+              done
+            '';
+          }
+          |> lib.getExe;
         timers.update-nmap-vulscan-lists = {
           Timer = {
diff --git a/modules/node-exporter.nix b/modules/node-exporter.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0b9a1..0000000
--- a/modules/node-exporter.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  lib,
-  this,
-  ...
-  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.node-exporter;
-  options.nixfiles.modules.node-exporter.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Prometheus Node Exporter";
-  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-    services.prometheus.exporters.node = {
-      enable = true;
-      listenAddress = lib.mkDefault this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
-      port = 9100;
-      enabledCollectors = [
-        "buddyinfo"
-        "cgroups"
-        "ethtool"
-        "interrupts"
-        "ksmd"
-        "lnstat"
-        "logind"
-        "mountstats"
-        "network_route"
-        "processes"
-        "qdisc"
-        "systemd"
-        "zoneinfo"
-      ];
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/nsd.nix b/modules/nsd.nix
index 82dc16a..df97d06 100644
--- a/modules/nsd.nix
+++ b/modules/nsd.nix
@@ -85,6 +85,24 @@ in
                   selector = "mail";
                   p = dkimKey;
+                SRV = [
+                  {
+                    service = "submissions";
+                    proto = "tcp";
+                    priority = 5;
+                    weight = 0;
+                    port = 465;
+                    target = "${lib.my.domain.shire}.";
+                  }
+                  {
+                    service = "imaps";
+                    proto = "tcp";
+                    priority = 5;
+                    weight = 0;
+                    port = 993;
+                    target = "${lib.my.domain.shire}.";
+                  }
+                ];
                 subdomains._mta-sts.TXT = [ "v=STSv1; id=20230506134541Z" ];
@@ -103,7 +121,7 @@ in
                       SOA = {
                         nameServer = "${cfg.fqdn}.";
                         adminEmail = "hostmaster@${lib.my.domain.shire}";
-                        serial = 2025020201; # Don't forget to bump the revision!
+                        serial = 2025031201; # Don't forget to bump the revision!
                       NS = with lib.my.domain; [
@@ -147,15 +165,14 @@ in
                     ns1 = manwe;
                     # ns2 = varda;
-                    alertmanager = manwe;
                     bitwarden = manwe;
                     git = manwe;
                     grafana = manwe;
                     irc = manwe;
                     loki = manwe;
+                    mimir = manwe;
                     ntfy = manwe;
                     plausible = manwe;
-                    prometheus = manwe;
                     radicale = manwe;
                     rss-bridge = manwe;
                     uptime = manwe;
@@ -166,6 +183,16 @@ in
                     lidarr = yavanna;
                     prowlarr = yavanna;
+                  SRV = [
+                    {
+                      service = "mumble";
+                      proto = "tcp";
+                      priority = 5;
+                      weight = 0;
+                      port = 64738;
+                      target = "${lib.my.domain.shire}.";
+                    }
+                  ];
diff --git a/modules/ntfy.nix b/modules/ntfy.nix
index 422df2e..7145bbf 100644
--- a/modules/ntfy.nix
+++ b/modules/ntfy.nix
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ in
       address = lib.mkOption {
         description = "Address.";
         type = lib.types.str;
-        default = this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
+        default = "";
       port = lib.mkOption {
@@ -75,6 +75,22 @@ in
+    environment.etc."alloy/ntfy.alloy".text = lib.optionalString cfg.prometheus.enable ''
+      prometheus.scrape "ntfy" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${toString cfg.prometheus.port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = lib.optionals cfg.prometheus.enable [
+      config.environment.etc."alloy/ntfy.alloy".source
+    ];
     topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.ntfy = {
       name = "ntfy";
       icon = "${inputs.homelab-svg-assets}/assets/ntfy.svg";
diff --git a/modules/openssh.nix b/modules/openssh.nix
index d850322..12cb1fe 100644
--- a/modules/openssh.nix
+++ b/modules/openssh.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+  options,
@@ -10,13 +11,14 @@ in
   options.nixfiles.modules.openssh = {
     client.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "OpenSSH client";
     server = {
       enable = lib.mkEnableOption "OpenSSH server";
-      port = lib.mkOption {
-        description = "OpenSSH server port.";
-        type = lib.types.port;
-        default = 22022; # Port 22 should be occupied by a tarpit.
+      ports = lib.mkOption {
+        description = "Ports.";
+        inherit (options.services.openssh.ports) type;
+        default = [ 22022 ]; # Port 22 should be occupied by a tarpit by default.
@@ -36,48 +38,46 @@ in
           hashKnownHosts = true;
           controlMaster = "auto";
-          controlPersist = "24H";
-          controlPath = "~/.ssh/control/%r@%n:%p"; # The directory must exist.
+          controlPersist = "15m";
+          controlPath = "${config.my.home}/.ssh/S.%r@%n:%p";
           serverAliveCountMax = 30;
           serverAliveInterval = 60;
           matchBlocks =
-              mkBlock =
-                name:
-                {
-                  hostname ? name,
-                  port ? 22022, # NOTE This is not the default OpenSSH port.
-                  user ? lib.my.username,
-                  identityFile ? "${config.my.home}/.ssh/${lib.my.username}_${lib.my.ssh.type}",
-                  extraAttrs ? { },
-                }:
-                lib.nameValuePair name (
-                  {
-                    inherit
-                      hostname
-                      port
-                      user
-                      identityFile
-                      ;
+              internalServers =
+                lib.my.configurations
+                |> lib.filterAttrs (_: attr: lib.hasAttr "wireguard" attr)
+                |> lib.mapAttrs (
+                  name: _: {
+                    hostname = "${name}.${lib.my.domain.shire}";
-                  // extraAttrs
-              internalServers = lib.mapAttrs' mkBlock (
-                lib.mapAttrs (name: _: { hostname = "${name}.${lib.my.domain.shire}"; }) (
-                  lib.filterAttrs (_: attr: lib.hasAttr "wireguard" attr && attr.isHeadless) lib.my.configurations
-                )
-              );
-            internalServers
-            // (lib.mapAttrs' mkBlock {
+            {
               gitolite = {
                 user = "git";
                 hostname = "git.${lib.my.domain.shire}";
-            });
+            }
+            |> lib.recursiveUpdate internalServers
+            |> lib.mapAttrs' (
+              name:
+              {
+                hostname ? name,
+                port ? 22022,
+                user ? lib.my.username,
+              }:
+              lib.nameValuePair name {
+                inherit
+                  hostname
+                  port
+                  user
+                  ;
+                forwardAgent = true;
+              }
+            );
@@ -94,23 +94,17 @@ in
       services = {
         openssh = {
           enable = true;
-          ports = [ cfg.server.port ];
+          inherit (cfg.server) ports;
           settings = {
-            ClientAliveCountMax = 3;
-            ClientAliveInterval = 60;
-            KbdInteractiveAuthentication = false;
-            MaxAuthTries = 3;
             PasswordAuthentication = false;
-            PermitRootLogin = lib.mkForce "no";
+            PermitRootLogin = "no";
+            StreamLocalBindUnlink = true;
         fail2ban.jails.sshd = {
           enabled = true;
-          settings = {
-            mode = "aggressive";
-            inherit (cfg.server) port;
-          };
+          settings.mode = "aggressive";
diff --git a/modules/piracy/lidarr.nix b/modules/piracy/lidarr.nix
index 400ba9f..fd95b04 100644
--- a/modules/piracy/lidarr.nix
+++ b/modules/piracy/lidarr.nix
@@ -56,12 +56,27 @@ in
         apiKeyFile = config.secrets.lidarr-api-key.path;
         inherit (config.services.lidarr) user;
         inherit (config.services.lidarr) group;
-        listenAddress = this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
+        listenAddress = "";
         environment.CONFIG = "/var/lib/lidarr/.config/Lidarr/config.xml";
+    environment.etc."alloy/lidarr.alloy".text =
+      with config.services.prometheus.exporters.exportarr-lidarr; ''
+        prometheus.scrape "lidarr" {
+          targets = [
+            {
+              __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+              instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+            },
+          ]
+          forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+        }
+      '';
     systemd = {
+      services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/lidarr.alloy".source ];
       tmpfiles.rules = with config.services.lidarr; [
         "d /var/lib/lidarr/root 0755 ${user} ${group} - -"
diff --git a/modules/piracy/prowlarr.nix b/modules/piracy/prowlarr.nix
index ebcba7f..c1c34cc 100644
--- a/modules/piracy/prowlarr.nix
+++ b/modules/piracy/prowlarr.nix
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ in
         url = "";
         port = port + 10000;
         apiKeyFile = config.secrets.lidarr-api-key.path;
-        listenAddress = this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
+        listenAddress = "";
         environment = {
           PROWLARR__BACKFILL = "true";
           PROWLARR__BACKFILL_DATE_SINCE = "2025-01-01";
@@ -52,6 +52,21 @@ in
+    environment.etc."alloy/prowlarr.alloy".text =
+      with config.services.prometheus.exporters.exportarr-prowlarr; ''
+        prometheus.scrape "prowlarr" {
+          targets = [
+            {
+              __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+              instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+            }
+          ]
+          forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+        }
+      '';
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/prowlarr.alloy".source ];
     topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.prowlarr = {
       name = "Prowlarr";
       icon = "${inputs.homelab-svg-assets}/assets/prowlarr.svg";
diff --git a/modules/piracy/radarr.nix b/modules/piracy/radarr.nix
index 12f8d95..ee777d5 100644
--- a/modules/piracy/radarr.nix
+++ b/modules/piracy/radarr.nix
@@ -56,12 +56,27 @@ in
         apiKeyFile = config.secrets.radarr-api-key.path;
         inherit (config.services.radarr) user;
         inherit (config.services.radarr) group;
-        listenAddress = this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
+        listenAddress = "";
         environment.CONFIG = "/var/lib/radarr/.config/Radarr/config.xml";
+    environment.etc."alloy/radarr.alloy".text =
+      with config.services.prometheus.exporters.exportarr-radarr; ''
+        prometheus.scrape "radarr" {
+          targets = [
+            {
+              __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+              instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+            }
+          ]
+          forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+        }
+      '';
     systemd = {
+      services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/radarr.alloy".source ];
       tmpfiles.rules = with config.services.radarr; [
         "d /var/lib/radarr/root 0755 ${user} ${group} - -"
diff --git a/modules/piracy/sonarr.nix b/modules/piracy/sonarr.nix
index 0761a3d..5440bf4 100644
--- a/modules/piracy/sonarr.nix
+++ b/modules/piracy/sonarr.nix
@@ -61,7 +61,22 @@ in
+    environment.etc."alloy/sonarr.alloy".text =
+      with config.services.prometheus.exporters.exportarr-sonarr; ''
+        prometheus.scrape "sonarr" {
+          targets = [
+            {
+              __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+              instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+            }
+          ]
+          forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+        }
+      '';
     systemd = {
+      services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/sonarr.alloy".source ];
       tmpfiles.rules = with config.services.sonarr; [
         "d /var/lib/sonarr/root 0755 ${user} ${group} - -"
diff --git a/modules/postgresql.nix b/modules/postgresql.nix
index d5b712c..211d078 100644
--- a/modules/postgresql.nix
+++ b/modules/postgresql.nix
@@ -69,31 +69,48 @@ in
       prometheus.exporters.postgres = {
         enable = true;
-        listenAddress = lib.mkDefault this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
-        port = lib.mkDefault 9187;
+        listenAddress = "";
+        port = 9187;
-    systemd.services.postgresql.postStart = lib.optionalString (
-      cfg.extraPostStart != [ ]
-    ) lib.concatLines cfg.extraPostStart;
-    environment.variables.PSQLRC = toString (
-      pkgs.writeText "psqlrc" ''
-        \set QUIET 1
-        \timing
-        \x auto
-        \pset null '[NULL]'
-        \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1m%]%M %n@%/%R%[%033[0m%]% λ '
-        \set PROMPT2 '    … > '
-        \set VERBOSITY verbose
-        \set HISTCONTROL ignoredups
-        \set HISTFILE /dev/null
-        \unset QUIET
-      ''
-    );
+    systemd.services = {
+      postgresql.postStart =
+        lib.optionalString (cfg.extraPostStart != [ ]) cfg.extraPostStart |> lib.concatLines;
+      alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/postgres.alloy".source ];
+    };
+    environment = {
+      etc."alloy/postgres.alloy".text = with config.services.prometheus.exporters.postgres; ''
+        prometheus.scrape "postgres" {
+          targets = [
+            {
+              __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+              instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+            },
+          ]
+          forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+        }
+      '';
+      variables.PSQLRC = toString (
+        pkgs.writeText "psqlrc" ''
+          \set QUIET 1
+          \timing
+          \x auto
+          \pset null '[NULL]'
+          \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1m%]%M %n@%/%R%[%033[0m%]% λ '
+          \set PROMPT2 '    … > '
+          \set VERBOSITY verbose
+          \set HISTCONTROL ignoredups
+          \set HISTFILE /dev/null
+          \unset QUIET
+        ''
+      );
+    };
     topology = {
       nodes.${this.hostname}.services.postgresql = {
diff --git a/modules/profiles/default.nix b/modules/profiles/default.nix
index cbfb665..bf95f7b 100644
--- a/modules/profiles/default.nix
+++ b/modules/profiles/default.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+  inputs,
@@ -9,7 +10,9 @@ let
   cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.profiles.default;
-  imports = lib.modulesIn ./. |> lib.attrValues;
+  imports = (lib.modulesIn ./. |> lib.attrValues) ++ [
+    inputs.nixpkgs.nixosModules.notDetected
+  ];
   options.nixfiles.modules.profiles.default.enable =
     lib.mkEnableOption "The most default profile of them all."
@@ -34,8 +37,10 @@ in
     nixfiles.modules = {
+      alloy.enable = true;
       htop.enable = true;
       vim.enable = true;
+      yubikey.enable = true;
     programs = {
diff --git a/modules/profiles/dev/default.nix b/modules/profiles/dev/default.nix
index 89ed7a3..b7d1389 100644
--- a/modules/profiles/dev/default.nix
+++ b/modules/profiles/dev/default.nix
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ in
-          opentofu
-          scaleway-cli
+          radare2
+          rustscan
-          vultr-cli
+          vulnix
diff --git a/modules/profiles/email.nix b/modules/profiles/email.nix
index 5f142dc..b5fb59d 100644
--- a/modules/profiles/email.nix
+++ b/modules/profiles/email.nix
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ in
                     patterns = [ "*" ];
                   msmtp.enable = true;
-                  mu.enable = true;
+                  mu.enable = false;
                   thunderbird = {
                     enable = true;
                     settings = id: {
diff --git a/modules/profiles/headful.nix b/modules/profiles/headful/default.nix
index 62a036c..ec43d20 100644
--- a/modules/profiles/headful.nix
+++ b/modules/profiles/headful/default.nix
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ let
   cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.profiles.headful;
+  imports = lib.modulesIn ./. |> lib.attrValues;
   options.nixfiles.modules.profiles.headful.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "headful profile" // {
     default = this.isHeadful;
@@ -35,9 +37,10 @@ in
       password-store.enable = true;
       sound.enable = true;
       thunderbird.enable = true;
-      vscode.enable = true;
+      vscode.enable = false;
       wayland.enable = true;
       x11.enable = true;
+      yubikey.enable = true;
       zathura.enable = true;
@@ -54,10 +57,8 @@ in
         packages = with pkgs; [
-          ayugram-desktop
-          byedpi
@@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ in
-          kdenlive
@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ in
         if config.boot.zfs.enabled then
           |> lib.filterAttrs (
-            k: v:
-            (builtins.match "linux_[0-9]+_[0-9]+" k) != null
+            n: v:
+            (builtins.match "linux_[0-9]+_[0-9]+" n) != null
             && (builtins.tryEval v).success
             && (!v.${config.boot.zfs.package.kernelModuleAttribute}.meta.broken)
           |> builtins.attrValues
-          |> lib.sort (a: b: lib.versionOlder a.kernel.version b.kernel.version)
+          |> lib.sort (n: v: lib.versionOlder n.kernel.version v.kernel.version)
           |> lib.last
@@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ in
     programs = {
       dconf.enable = true;
       iftop.enable = true;
       mtr.enable = true;
@@ -171,6 +173,12 @@ in
+    nix.settings.system-features = [
+      "benchmark"
+      "kvm"
+      "nixos-test"
+    ];
     # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3995#issuecomment-2081164515
     system.extraDependencies =
diff --git a/modules/profiles/headless.nix b/modules/profiles/headless/default.nix
index bf0d23a..42c041b 100644
--- a/modules/profiles/headless.nix
+++ b/modules/profiles/headless/default.nix
@@ -9,19 +9,17 @@ let
   cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.profiles.headless;
+  imports = lib.modulesIn ./. |> lib.attrValues;
   options.nixfiles.modules.profiles.headless.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "headless profile" // {
     default = this.isHeadless;
   config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
     nixfiles.modules = {
-      openssh.server.enable = true;
       endlessh-go.enable = true;
       fail2ban.enable = true;
-      node-exporter.enable = true;
-      promtail.enable = false; # FIXME High RAM usage.
+      openssh.server.enable = true;
     hm.home.file = {
@@ -44,11 +42,6 @@ in
-    environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
-      alacritty.terminfo
-      foot.terminfo
-    ];
     services.udisks2.enable = false;
diff --git a/modules/prometheus.nix b/modules/prometheus.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 031b0b2..0000000
--- a/modules/prometheus.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  inputs,
-  lib,
-  libNginx,
-  this,
-  ...
-  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.prometheus;
-  options.nixfiles.modules.prometheus = {
-    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Prometheus";
-    port = lib.mkOption {
-      description = "Port.";
-      type = lib.types.port;
-      default = 30111;
-    };
-    domain = lib.mkOption {
-      description = "Domain name sans protocol scheme.";
-      type = lib.types.str;
-      default = "prometheus.${config.networking.domain}";
-    };
-  };
-  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-    nixfiles.modules.nginx = {
-      enable = true;
-      upstreams.prometheus.servers."${toString cfg.port}" = { };
-      virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
-        locations."/".proxyPass = "http://prometheus";
-        extraConfig = libNginx.config.internalOnly;
-      };
-    };
-    services.prometheus = {
-      enable = true;
-      enableReload = true;
-      listenAddress = "";
-      inherit (cfg) port;
-      extraFlags = [
-        "--web.external-url=https://${cfg.domain}"
-        "--storage.tsdb.retention.size=50GB"
-        "--storage.tsdb.retention.time=1y"
-        "--storage.tsdb.wal-compression"
-      ];
-    };
-    topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.prometheus = {
-      name = "Prometheus";
-      icon = "${inputs.homelab-svg-assets}/assets/prometheus.svg";
-      info = cfg.domain;
-      details.listen.text = "${toString cfg.port}";
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/modules/redis.nix b/modules/redis.nix
index 2b68529..6e4d5f9 100644
--- a/modules/redis.nix
+++ b/modules/redis.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-  this,
@@ -26,8 +25,8 @@ in
       prometheus.exporters = {
         redis = {
           enable = true;
-          listenAddress = lib.mkDefault this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
-          port = lib.mkDefault 9121;
+          listenAddress = "";
+          port = 9121;
           extraFlags = with config.services.redis.servers.default; [
             "--redis.addr=redis://${bind}:${toString port}"
@@ -35,5 +34,19 @@ in
+    systemd.services.alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/redis.alloy".source ];
+    environment.etc."alloy/redis.alloy".text = with config.services.prometheus.exporters.redis; ''
+      prometheus.scrape "redis" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
diff --git a/modules/sing-box.nix b/modules/sing-box.nix
index 74c86af..40fda8b 100644
--- a/modules/sing-box.nix
+++ b/modules/sing-box.nix
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ in
-    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = map (
-      a: a.listen_port
-    ) config.services.sing-box.settings.inbounds;
+    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts =
+      config.services.sing-box.settings.inbounds |> map (x: x.listen_port);
diff --git a/modules/tempo.nix b/modules/tempo.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55beb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tempo.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+  config,
+  inputs,
+  lib,
+  libNginx,
+  this,
+  ...
+  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.tempo;
+  options.nixfiles.modules.tempo = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Tempo";
+    port = lib.mkOption {
+      description = "Port.";
+      type = lib.types.port;
+      default = 30181;
+    };
+    domain = lib.mkOption {
+      description = "Domain name sans protocol scheme.";
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      default = "tempo.${config.networking.domain}";
+    };
+  };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    nixfiles.modules.nginx = {
+      enable = true;
+      upstreams.tempo.servers."${toString cfg.port}" = { };
+      virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
+        locations."/".proxyPass = "http://tempo";
+        extraConfig = libNginx.config.internalOnly;
+      };
+    };
+    services.tempo = {
+      enable = true;
+      settings = rec {
+        multitenancy_enabled = false;
+        server = {
+          http_listen_address = "";
+          http_listen_port = cfg.port;
+          grpc_listen_address = "";
+          grpc_listen_port = server.http_listen_port + 1;
+          log_format = "logfmt";
+          log_level = "warn";
+          log_source_ips_enabled = true;
+        };
+        storage.trace.backend = "local";
+        memberlist = {
+          bind_port = 7947;
+          message_history_buffer_bytes = lib.pow 2 13;
+        };
+        compactor.compaction.block_retention = "168h";
+      };
+    };
+    topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.tempo = {
+      name = "Tempo";
+      icon = "${inputs.homelab-svg-assets}/assets/tempo.svg";
+      info = cfg.domain;
+      details.listen.text = "${toString cfg.port}";
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/modules/unbound.nix b/modules/unbound.nix
index c38c25b..10807a9 100644
--- a/modules/unbound.nix
+++ b/modules/unbound.nix
@@ -18,6 +18,20 @@ in
       type = lib.types.str;
       default = config.networking.domain;
+    zone = {
+      whitelist = lib.mkOption {
+        description = "List of domains that always will be allowed.";
+        type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+        default = [ ];
+      };
+      blacklist = lib.mkOption {
+        description = "List of domains that always will be denied.";
+        type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+        default = [ ];
+      };
+    };
   config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
@@ -48,55 +62,70 @@ in
             local-zone =
+              let
+                mapAs = t: map (x: ''"${x}" ${t}'');
+              in
+              (
+                lib.my.configurations
+                |> lib.mapAttrsToList (x: _: [ ''"${x}.${cfg.domain}" redirect'' ])
+                |> lib.concatLists
+              )
+              ++ mapAs "always_transparent" cfg.zone.whitelist
+              ++ mapAs "always_nxdomain" cfg.zone.blacklist;
+            local-data =
-              |> lib.mapAttrsToList (x: _: [ ''"${x}.${cfg.domain}" redirect'' ])
-              |> lib.concatLists;
-            local-data = lib.concatLists (
-              lib.mapAttrsToList (
+              |> lib.mapAttrsToList (
                   domain = "${hostname}.${cfg.domain}";
                 (lib.optionals (lib.hasAttr "wireguard" attr) (
-                  with attr.wireguard;
+                  let
+                    inherit (attr.wireguard) ipv4 ipv6;
+                  in
-                    "\"${domain} 604800 IN A ${ipv4.address}\""
-                    "\"${domain} 604800 IN AAAA ${ipv6.address}\""
-                    "\"${domain}. A ${ipv4.address}\""
-                    "\"${domain}. AAAA ${ipv6.address}\""
+                    ''"${domain} 604800 IN A ${ipv4.address}"''
+                    ''"${domain} 604800 IN AAAA ${ipv6.address}"''
+                    ''"${domain}. A ${ipv4.address}"''
+                    ''"${domain}. AAAA ${ipv6.address}"''
                   ++ (lib.optionals (lib.hasAttr "domains" attr) (
-                    lib.concatMap (domain: [
-                      "\"${domain}. A ${ipv4.address}\""
-                      "\"${domain}. AAAA ${ipv6.address}\""
-                    ]) attr.domains
+                    attr.domains
+                    |> lib.concatMap (domain: [
+                      ''"${domain}. A ${ipv4.address}"''
+                      ''"${domain}. AAAA ${ipv6.address}"''
+                    ])
-              ) lib.my.configurations
-            );
-            local-data-ptr = lib.concatLists (
-              lib.mapAttrsToList (
+              )
+              |> lib.concatLists;
+            local-data-ptr =
+              lib.my.configurations
+              |> lib.mapAttrsToList (
                   domain = "${hostname}.${cfg.domain}";
                 (lib.optionals (lib.hasAttr "wireguard" attr) (
-                  with attr.wireguard;
+                  let
+                    inherit (attr.wireguard) ipv4 ipv6;
+                  in
-                    "\"${ipv4.address} ${domain}\""
-                    "\"${ipv6.address} ${domain}\""
+                    ''"${ipv4.address} ${domain}"''
+                    ''"${ipv6.address} ${domain}"''
                   ++ (lib.optionals (lib.hasAttr "domains" attr) (
-                    lib.concatMap (domain: [
-                      "\"${ipv4.address} ${domain}\""
-                      "\"${ipv6.address} ${domain}\""
-                    ]) attr.domains
+                    attr.domains
+                    |> lib.concatMap (domain: [
+                      ''"${ipv4.address} ${domain}"''
+                      ''"${ipv6.address} ${domain}"''
+                    ])
-              ) lib.my.configurations
-            );
+              )
+              |> lib.concatLists;
             private-domain = map (domain: "${domain}.") [
@@ -137,13 +166,11 @@ in
             verbosity = 1;
-          forward-zone = [
-            {
-              name = ".";
-              forward-tls-upstream = true;
-              forward-addr = lib.dns.mkDoT lib.dns.const.quad9.ecs;
-            }
-          ];
+          forward-zone = {
+            name = ".";
+            forward-tls-upstream = true;
+            forward-addr = lib.dns.mkDoT lib.dns.const.quad9.ecs;
+          };
           cachedb = with config.services.redis.servers.default; {
             backend = "redis";
@@ -154,33 +181,83 @@ in
           dnstap = {
             dnstap-enable = true;
             dnstap-socket-path = "/run/dnstap-unbound/read.sock";
-            dnstap-send-identity = true;
-            dnstap-send-version = true;
-            dnstap-log-resolver-query-messages = true;
-            dnstap-log-resolver-response-messages = true;
-            dnstap-log-client-query-messages = true;
+            dnstap-send-identity = false;
+            dnstap-send-version = false;
+            dnstap-log-resolver-query-messages = false;
+            dnstap-log-resolver-response-messages = false;
+            dnstap-log-forwarder-query-messages = false;
+            dnstap-log-forwarder-response-messages = false;
+            dnstap-log-client-query-messages = false;
             dnstap-log-client-response-messages = true;
-            dnstap-log-forwarder-query-messages = true;
-            dnstap-log-forwarder-response-messages = true;
-          rpz = [
-            {
-              name = "hagezi-ultimate";
-              zonefile = "hagezi-ultimate";
-              url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists/main/rpz/ultimate.txt";
-            }
-            {
-              name = "big-osid";
-              zonefile = "big-osid";
-              url = "https://big.oisd.nl/rpz";
-            }
-            {
-              name = "nsfw-osid";
-              zonefile = "nsfw-osid";
-              url = "https://nsfw.oisd.nl/rpz";
-            }
-          ];
+          rpz =
+            let
+              # https://unbound.docs.nlnetlabs.nl/en/latest/topics/filtering/rpz.html
+              mkRpz =
+                {
+                  name,
+                  url ? null,
+                  zonefile ? null,
+                }:
+                {
+                  inherit name;
+                  zonefile = lib.mkIf (zonefile != null) zonefile;
+                  url = lib.mkIf (url != null) url;
+                  rpz-log = true;
+                  rpz-log-name = name;
+                };
+              # https://unbound.docs.nlnetlabs.nl/en/latest/manpages/unbound.conf.html#response-policy-zone-options
+              mkLocalZonefile =
+                {
+                  name,
+                  action,
+                  list,
+                }:
+                [
+                  ''
+                    $TTL 30
+                    @ SOA localhost. root.localhost. 1 43200 3600 86400 300
+                      NS  localhost.
+                  ''
+                ]
+                ++ (cfg.zone.${name} |> map (x: "${x} CNAME ${action}"))
+                |> lib.concatLines
+                |> pkgs.writeText "${name}.zone"
+                |> toString;
+            in
+            [
+              {
+                name = "whitelist";
+                zonefile = mkLocalZonefile {
+                  name = "whitelist";
+                  action = "rpz-passthru.";
+                  list = cfg.zone.whitelist;
+                };
+              }
+              {
+                name = "blacklist";
+                zonefile = mkLocalZonefile {
+                  name = "blacklist";
+                  action = ".";
+                  list = cfg.zone.whitelist;
+                };
+              }
+              {
+                name = "hagezi-ultimate";
+                url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists/main/rpz/ultimate.txt";
+              }
+              {
+                name = "big-osid";
+                url = "https://big.oisd.nl/rpz";
+              }
+              {
+                name = "nsfw-osid";
+                url = "https://nsfw.oisd.nl/rpz";
+              }
+            ]
+            |> map mkRpz;
         enableRootTrustAnchor = true;
@@ -190,7 +267,7 @@ in
       prometheus.exporters.unbound = {
         enable = true;
-        listenAddress = lib.mkDefault this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
+        listenAddress = "";
         port = 9167;
         inherit (config.services.unbound) group user;
         unbound.host = "unix://${config.services.unbound.localControlSocketPath}";
@@ -209,16 +286,30 @@ in
           dnstap-unbound = {
             serviceConfig = {
-              ExecStart = "${lib.getExe pkgs.dnstap} -u ${config.services.unbound.settings.dnstap.dnstap-socket-path}";
+              ExecStart = "${lib.getExe pkgs.dnstap} -j -u ${config.services.unbound.settings.dnstap.dnstap-socket-path}";
               User = config.services.unbound.user;
               Group = config.services.unbound.group;
               RuntimeDirectory = "dnstap-unbound";
             wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+          alloy.reloadTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."alloy/unbound.alloy".source ];
+    environment.etc."alloy/unbound.alloy".text = with config.services.prometheus.exporters.unbound; ''
+      prometheus.scrape "unbound" {
+        targets = [
+          {
+            __address__ = "${listenAddress}:${toString port}",
+            instance    = "${config.networking.hostName}",
+          },
+        ]
+        forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.default.receiver]
+      }
+    '';
     boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen" = lib.mkOverride 200 3;
     topology.nodes.${this.hostname}.services.unbound = {
diff --git a/modules/vscode.nix b/modules/vscode.nix
index 0eebdda..2383409 100644
--- a/modules/vscode.nix
+++ b/modules/vscode.nix
@@ -45,192 +45,169 @@ in
           inherit (cfg) package;
-          extensions =
-            with pkgs.open-vsx;
-            [
-              editorconfig.editorconfig
-              efoerster.texlab
-              github.vscode-pull-request-github
-              golang.go
-              graphql.vscode-graphql
-              graphql.vscode-graphql-execution
-              graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax
-              hashicorp.hcl
-              hashicorp.terraform
-              haskell.haskell
-              jnoortheen.nix-ide
-              kahole.magit
-              mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode
-              mkhl.direnv
-              ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
-              ms-python.python
-              redhat.ansible
-              redhat.vscode-xml
-              redhat.vscode-yaml
-              rust-lang.rust
-              signageos.signageos-vscode-sops
-              skellock.just
-              streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
-              streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-russian
-              streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-scientific-terms
-              tamasfe.even-better-toml
-              task.vscode-task
-              vscode-org-mode.org-mode
-            ]
-            ++ lib.optional cfg.vim.enable vscodevim.vim;
-          userSettings = {
-            # Something tries to write this every startup. I can't be arsed to
-            # figure out what, so I'll leave this like this.
-            "accessibility.signals.terminalBell".sound = "on";
-            editor = {
-              codeLens = false;
-              cursorStyle = "block";
-              detectIndentation = true;
-              minimap.enabled = false;
-              renderWhitespace = "trailing";
-              rulers = [
-                80
-                120
-              ];
-              smoothScrolling = false;
-              tabCompletion = "on";
-              cursorSurroundingLines = 10;
-              scrollBeyondLastColumn = 10;
-            };
+          profiles.default = {
+            extensions =
+              with pkgs.open-vsx;
+              [
+                editorconfig.editorconfig
+                efoerster.texlab
+                github.vscode-pull-request-github
+                golang.go
+                graphql.vscode-graphql
+                graphql.vscode-graphql-execution
+                graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax
+                hashicorp.hcl
+                hashicorp.terraform
+                haskell.haskell
+                jnoortheen.nix-ide
+                kahole.magit
+                mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode
+                mkhl.direnv
+                ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
+                ms-python.python
+                redhat.ansible
+                redhat.vscode-xml
+                redhat.vscode-yaml
+                rust-lang.rust
+                signageos.signageos-vscode-sops
+                skellock.just
+                streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
+                streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-russian
+                streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-scientific-terms
+                tamasfe.even-better-toml
+                task.vscode-task
+                vscode-org-mode.org-mode
+              ]
+              ++ lib.optional cfg.vim.enable vscodevim.vim;
+            userSettings = {
+              # Something tries to write this every startup. I can't be arsed to
+              # figure out what, so I'll leave this like this.
+              "accessibility.signals.terminalBell".sound = "on";
+              editor = {
+                codeLens = false;
+                cursorStyle = "block";
+                detectIndentation = true;
+                minimap.enabled = false;
+                renderWhitespace = "trailing";
+                rulers = [
+                  80
+                  120
+                ];
+                smoothScrolling = false;
+                tabCompletion = "on";
+                cursorSurroundingLines = 10;
+                scrollBeyondLastColumn = 10;
+              };
-            keyboard.dispatch = "keyCode";
+              keyboard.dispatch = "keyCode";
-            diffEditor.codeLens = false;
+              diffEditor.codeLens = false;
-            files = {
-              autoSave = "off";
-              enableTrash = false;
-            };
+              files = {
+                autoSave = "off";
+                enableTrash = false;
+              };
-            workbench = {
-              activityBar.location = "hidden";
-              colorTheme = "Default Light Modern";
-              editor.highlightModifiedTabs = true;
-              enableExperiments = false;
-              settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch = false;
-              startupEditor = "none";
-              tips.enabled = false;
-              tree.indent = 4;
-              welcomePage = {
-                walkthroughs.openOnInstall = false;
-                preferReducedMotion = true;
+              workbench = {
+                activityBar.location = "hidden";
+                colorTheme = "Default Light Modern";
+                editor.highlightModifiedTabs = true;
+                enableExperiments = false;
+                settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch = false;
+                startupEditor = "none";
+                tips.enabled = false;
+                tree.indent = 4;
+                welcomePage = {
+                  walkthroughs.openOnInstall = false;
+                  preferReducedMotion = true;
+                };
-            };
-            extensions = {
-              autoCheckUpdates = false;
-              autoUpdate = false;
-              ignoreRecommendations = true;
-            };
+              extensions = {
+                autoCheckUpdates = false;
+                autoUpdate = false;
+                ignoreRecommendations = true;
+              };
-            terminal.integrated = {
-              enableBell = true;
-            };
+              terminal.integrated = {
+                enableBell = true;
+              };
-            update = {
-              mode = "none";
-              showReleaseNotes = false;
-            };
+              update = {
+                mode = "none";
+                showReleaseNotes = false;
+              };
-            telemetry = {
-              enableCrashReporter = false;
-              enableTelemetry = false;
-            };
+              telemetry = {
+                enableCrashReporter = false;
+                enableTelemetry = false;
+              };
-            security.workspace.trust.enabled = false;
+              security.workspace.trust.enabled = false;
-            # Extensions.
+              # Extensions.
-            ansible = {
               ansible = {
-                useFullyQualifiedCollectionNames = true;
-                reuseTerminal = true;
+                ansible = {
+                  useFullyQualifiedCollectionNames = true;
+                  reuseTerminal = true;
+                };
+                validation.lint.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.ansible-lint "ansible-lint";
-              validation.lint.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.ansible-lint "ansible-lint";
-            };
-            bashIde.shellcheckPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.shellcheck "shellcheck";
+              bashIde.shellcheckPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.shellcheck "shellcheck";
-            cSpell.language = "en-GB,en,ru";
+              cSpell.language = "en-GB,en,ru";
-            direnv.restart.automatic = true;
+              direnv.restart.automatic = true;
-            magit = {
-              forge-enabled = true;
-              git-path = lib.getExe config.hm.programs.git.package;
-            };
+              magit = {
+                forge-enabled = true;
+                git-path = lib.getExe config.hm.programs.git.package;
+              };
-            git.openRepositoryInParentFolders = "always";
+              git.openRepositoryInParentFolders = "always";
-            github = {
-              branchProtection = true;
-              gitProtocol = "ssh";
-            };
+              github = {
+                branchProtection = true;
+                gitProtocol = "ssh";
+              };
-            # terraform = {
-            #   languageServer.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.terraform-ls "terraform-ls";
-            #   languageServer.terraform.path = lib.getExe pkgs.opentofu;
-            # };
-            # haskell = {
-            #   formattingProvider = "ormolu";
-            #   serverExecutablePath = lib.getExe' pkgs.haskell-language-server "haskell-language-server";
-            # };
-            nix = {
-              formatterPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
-              enableLanguageServer = true;
-              serverPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixd;
-              serverSettings.nixd.formatting.command = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
-            };
+              terraform = {
+                languageServer.path = lib.getExe' pkgs.terraform-ls "terraform-ls";
+                languageServer.terraform.path = lib.getExe pkgs.terraform;
+              };
-            # python = with pkgs.python311Packages; {
-            #   experiments.optOutFrom = [ "All" ];
-            #   pipenvPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.pipenv "pipenv";
-            #   poetryPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.poetry "poetry";
-            #   formatting = {
-            #     provider = "black";
-            #     autopep8Path = lib.getExe' autopep8 "autopep8";
-            #     blackPath = lib.getExe' black "black";
-            #     yapfPath = lib.getExe' yapf "yapf";
-            #   };
-            #   linting = {
-            #     enabled = true;
-            #     banditPath = lib.getExe' bandit "bandit";
-            #     flake8Path = lib.getExe' flake8 "flake8";
-            #     mypyPath = lib.getExe' mypy "mypy";
-            #     pycodestylePath = lib.getExe' pycodestyle "pycodestyle";
-            #     pydocstylePath = lib.getExe' pydocstyle "pydocstyle";
-            #     pylamaPath = lib.getExe' pylama "pylama";
-            #     pylintPath = lib.getExe' pylint "pylint";
-            #   };
-            #   testing = {
-            #     pytestPath = lib.getExe' pytest "pytest";
-            #   };
-            # };
-            # rust-client = {
-            #   disableRustup = true;
-            #   rustupPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.rustup "rustup";
-            #   rustfmt_path = lib.getExe pkgs.rustfmt;
-            # };
-            vim = lib.mkIf cfg.vim.enable {
-              easymotion = true;
-              leader = " ";
-              useSystemClipboard = true;
-            };
+              haskell = {
+                formattingProvider = "ormolu";
+                serverExecutablePath = lib.getExe' pkgs.haskell-language-server "haskell-language-server";
+              };
-            redhat.telemetry.enabled = false;
+              nix = {
+                formatterPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
+                enableLanguageServer = true;
+                serverPath = lib.getExe pkgs.nixd;
+                serverSettings.nixd.formatting.command = lib.getExe pkgs.nixfmt;
+              };
+              python.experiments.optOutFrom = [ "All" ];
+              rust-client = {
+                disableRustup = true;
+                rustupPath = lib.getExe' pkgs.rustup "rustup";
+                rustfmt_path = lib.getExe pkgs.rustfmt;
+              };
+              vim = lib.mkIf cfg.vim.enable {
+                easymotion = true;
+                leader = " ";
+                useSystemClipboard = true;
+              };
+              redhat.telemetry.enabled = false;
+            };
diff --git a/modules/wireguard.nix b/modules/wireguard.nix
index 98addc8..38ec813 100644
--- a/modules/wireguard.nix
+++ b/modules/wireguard.nix
@@ -34,17 +34,6 @@ let
-  disabledModules = [
-    "services/networking/wg-quick.nix"
-    "services/networking/wireguard.nix"
-    "services/networking/wireguard-networkd.nix"
-  ];
-  imports = [
-    "${inputs.nixpkgs-amneziawg}/nixos/modules/services/networking/wg-quick.nix"
-    "${inputs.nixpkgs-amneziawg}/nixos/modules/services/networking/wireguard.nix"
-    "${inputs.nixpkgs-amneziawg}/nixos/modules/services/networking/wireguard-networkd.nix"
-  ];
   options.nixfiles.modules.wireguard = {
     client = {
       enable = lib.mkEnableOption "WireGuard client";
@@ -251,7 +240,7 @@ in
         services.prometheus.exporters.wireguard = {
           enable = false; # TODO Doesn't work with amneziawg-tools.
-          listenAddress = lib.mkDefault this.wireguard.ipv4.address;
+          listenAddress = "";
           withRemoteIp = true;
           port = 9586;
diff --git a/modules/yubikey.nix b/modules/yubikey.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6473050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/yubikey.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+  config,
+  inputs,
+  lib,
+  pkgs,
+  this,
+  ...
+  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.yubikey;
+  options.nixfiles.modules.yubikey = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Yubikey support";
+    serials = lib.mkOption {
+      type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+      default = [ ];
+      description = "List of YubiKey device serials.";
+    };
+  };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (
+    lib.mkMerge [
+      {
+        security.pam = {
+          rssh = {
+            enable = true;
+            settings.cue = true;
+          };
+          services.sudo.rssh = true;
+        };
+      }
+      (lib.mkIf this.isHeadful {
+        secrets.u2f.file = "${inputs.self}/secrets/u2f";
+        hm = {
+          home.packages = with pkgs; [
+            yubikey-manager
+            yubioath-flutter
+          ];
+          programs = {
+            git.extraConfig = {
+              gpg = {
+                format = "ssh";
+                ssh = {
+                  # https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#Documentation/git-config.txt-usersigningKey
+                  defaultKeyCommand =
+                    pkgs.writeShellScript "default-key-command" ''
+                      key="$(ssh-add -L | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1-2)"
+                      printf 'key::%s\n' "$key"
+                    ''
+                    |> toString;
+                  # https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ssh-keygen.1.html#ALLOWED_SIGNERS
+                  allowedSignersFile =
+                    config.my.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys
+                    |> map (x: x |> lib.splitString " " |> lib.take 2 |> lib.concatStringsSep " ")
+                    |> map (x: ''${lib.my.email} namespaces="git" ${x}'')
+                    |> lib.concatLines
+                    |> pkgs.writeText "allowed-signers-file"
+                    |> toString;
+                };
+              };
+              commit.gpgSign = true;
+              tag.gpgSign = true;
+            };
+            # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/YubiKey#gpg:_no_such_device
+            gpg.scdaemonSettings = {
+              disable-ccid = true;
+              pcsc-shared = true;
+            };
+          };
+          services = {
+            gpg-agent.enableScDaemon = true;
+            ssh-agent.enable = false;
+          };
+        };
+        programs.yubikey-touch-detector.enable = true;
+        # NOTE: This needs setting up with `yubikey-agent -setup`[1]. For
+        # firmware version 7.2+ see these issues[2] in case of an error.
+        #
+        # [1]: https://filippo.io/yubikey-agent
+        # [2]: https://github.com/FiloSottile/yubikey-agent/issues/153
+        # [2]: https://github.com/sigstore/cosign/issues/3742
+        #
+        # ```
+        # yubikey-agent -setup
+        # ```
+        services.yubikey-agent.enable = true;
+        # NOTE: This also needs setting up[1].
+        #
+        # [1]: https://developers.yubico.com/pam-u2f/
+        security.pam.u2f = {
+          enable = true;
+          settings = {
+            origin = "pam://nixos";
+            appid = "pam://nixos";
+            authfile = config.secrets.u2f.path;
+            cue = true;
+          };
+        };
+      })
+    ]
+  );

Consider giving Nix/NixOS a try! <3