path: root/modules/common/qutebrowser.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/common/qutebrowser.nix')
1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/common/qutebrowser.nix b/modules/common/qutebrowser.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a41a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/common/qutebrowser.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ config,
+ lib,
+ pkgs,
+ ...
+with lib; let
+ cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.qutebrowser;
+in {
+ options.nixfiles.modules.qutebrowser.enable = mkEnableOption "Qutebrowser";
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ hm.programs.qutebrowser = with config.nixfiles.modules; {
+ enable = true;
+ package = pkgs.qutebrowser.override {
+ withMediaPlayback = false;
+ withPdfReader = false;
+ };
+ keyBindings.normal = mkIf mpv.enable {
+ "z" = let
+ mpv = "${}/bin/mpv";
+ in "hint links spawn --detach ${mpv} {hint-url}";
+ };
+ searchEngines = rec {
+ aliexpress = "{}";
+ ansible = "{}";
+ arch = "{}";
+ crates = "{}";
+ crawl = "{}";
+ discogs = "{}";
+ dockerdocs = "{}";
+ dockerhub = "{}";
+ doublegis = "{}";
+ duckduckgo = "{}'";
+ dwarffortress = "{}";
+ ebay = "{}";
+ ecosia = "{}";
+ factorio = "{}";
+ genius = "{}";
+ github = "{}";
+ godocs = "{}";
+ gogdb = "{}";
+ google = "{}";
+ google-images = "{}&tbm=isch";
+ gopkgs = "{}";
+ habr = "{}";
+ hackage = "{}";
+ hackernews = "{}";
+ headhunter = "{}";
+ hoogle = "{}";
+ jisho = "{}";
+ kotobank = "{}";
+ kubernetes = "{}";
+ lastfm = "{}";
+ lobsters = "{}";
+ mdn = "{}";
+ melpa = "{}";
+ moddb = "{}";
+ musicbrainz = "{}";
+ nix-issues = "{}";
+ nix-prs = "{}";
+ nixos-flakes = "{}";
+ nixos-options = "{}";
+ nixos-packages = "{}";
+ nixos-wiki = "{}";
+ nixpkgs-issues = "{}";
+ nixpkgs-prs = "{}";
+ openstreetmap = "{}";
+ ozon = "{}";
+ protondb = "{}";
+ pypi = "{}";
+ pythondocs = "{}";
+ rateyourmusic = "{}";
+ riichi = "{}";
+ rustdoc = "{}";
+ searx = "{}";
+ slashdot = "{}";
+ sourcehut = "{}";
+ steam = "{}";
+ steamdb = "{}";
+ ubuntu = "{}";
+ wikipedia-en = "{}";
+ wikipedia-ru = "{}";
+ wikipedia-ja = "{}";
+ wolphramalpha = "{}";
+ yahoo = "{}";
+ yahoo-images = "{}";
+ yahoo-market = "{}";
+ youtube = "{}";
+ aw = arch;
+ d = duckduckgo;
+ do = dockerhub;
+ docker = dockerhub;
+ dod = dockerdocs;
+ g = google;
+ gh = github;
+ h = hoogle;
+ k = kubernetes;
+ mb = musicbrainz;
+ n = nixos-options;
+ nw = nixos-wiki;
+ py = pypi;
+ pyd = pythondocs;
+ rym = rateyourmusic;
+ s = searx;
+ sh = sourcehut;
+ sr = sourcehut;
+ w = wikipedia-en;
+ wen = wikipedia-en;
+ wja = wikipedia-ja;
+ wru = wikipedia-ru;
+ y = yahoo;
+ yt = youtube;
+ };
+ settings = {
+ changelog_after_upgrade = "never";
+ content = {
+ autoplay = false;
+ cookies.accept = "all";
+ default_encoding = "utf-8";
+ desktop_capture = "ask";
+ dns_prefetch = false;
+ geolocation = false;
+ headers.do_not_track = true;
+ javascript.enabled = true;
+ prefers_reduced_motion = true;
+ webgl = true;
+ blocking = {
+ enabled = true;
+ method = "adblock";
+ adblock.lists = [
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ];
+ };
+ };
+ completion = {
+ height = "50%";
+ show = "auto";
+ shrink = true;
+ timestamp_format = "%y-%m-%d";
+ min_chars = 3;
+ open_categories = ["bookmarks" "quickmarks" "history"];
+ scrollbar = {
+ width = 0;
+ padding = 0;
+ };
+ };
+ downloads = {
+ location = {
+ directory =;
+ prompt = true;
+ };
+ remove_finished = 0;
+ };
+ editor.command = [
+ (
+ if alacritty.enable
+ then "${pkgs.alacritty}/bin/alacritty"
+ else "${pkgs.xterm}/bin/xterm"
+ )
+ "-e"
+ "${config.programs.vim.package}/bin/vim"
+ "-f"
+ "{}"
+ ];
+ hints = {
+ auto_follow = "unique-match";
+ auto_follow_timeout = 0;
+ border = "0px";
+ min_chars = 1;
+ scatter = false;
+ uppercase = false;
+ };
+ hints.radius = 0;
+ keyhint.radius = 0;
+ prompt.radius = 0;
+ scrolling = {
+ bar = "never";
+ smooth = false;
+ };
+ spellcheck.languages = ["en-US" "en-GB" "ru-RU"];
+ statusbar.position = "bottom";
+ tabs = {
+ position = "top";
+ title = {
+ alignment = "left";
+ format = "{audio}{index} : {current_title}";
+ format_pinned = "{audio}{index}";
+ };
+ min_width = -1;
+ max_width = -1;
+ indicator.width = 0;
+ pinned = {
+ shrink = true;
+ frozen = false;
+ };
+ close_mouse_button = "middle";
+ mousewheel_switching = false;
+ background = true;
+ select_on_remove = "next";
+ new_position = {
+ related = "next";
+ unrelated = "last";
+ };
+ favicons = {
+ show = "pinned";
+ scale = 0.75;
+ };
+ };
+ url = rec {
+ default_page = "about:blank";
+ start_pages = [default_page];
+ };
+ window = {
+ hide_decoration = false;
+ title_format = "{perc}{current_title}{title_sep}qutebrowser";
+ };
+ colors = with config.colourScheme; {
+ completion = rec {
+ fg = white;
+ match.fg = red;
+ = black;
+ =;
+ category = {
+ fg = white;
+ bg = black;
+ border = {
+ top = black;
+ bottom = black;
+ };
+ };
+ item.selected = {
+ fg = black;
+ bg = white;
+ border = {
+ top = white;
+ bottom = white;
+ };
+ };
+ scrollbar = {
+ fg = white;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ };
+ contextmenu = {
+ menu = {
+ fg = white;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ selected = {
+ fg = black;
+ bg = white;
+ };
+ disabled = {
+ fg = brightBlack;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ };
+ downloads = {
+ = black;
+ start = {
+ fg = green;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ stop = {
+ fg = yellow;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ error = {
+ fg = red;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ system = {
+ fg = "none";
+ bg = "none";
+ };
+ };
+ hints = {
+ fg = white;
+ match.fg = red;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ keyhint = {
+ fg = white;
+ suffix.fg = red;
+ bg = black;
+ };
+ messages = {
+ error = rec {
+ bg = black;
+ fg = red;
+ border = bg;
+ };
+ info = rec {
+ fg = blue;
+ bg = black;
+ border = bg;
+ };
+ warning = rec {
+ fg = yellow;
+ bg = black;
+ border = bg;
+ };
+ };
+ prompts = rec {
+ fg = white;
+ bg = black;
+ selected = {
+ fg = black;
+ bg = white;
+ };
+ border = bg;
+ };
+ statusbar = {
+ normal = {
+ bg = black;
+ fg = white;
+ };
+ command = {
+ bg = black;
+ fg = white;
+ };
+ insert = {
+ bg = green;
+ fg = black;
+ };
+ passthrough = {
+ bg = blue;
+ fg = black;
+ };
+ private = {
+ bg = magenta;
+ fg = black;
+ };
+ url = {
+ fg = blue;
+ hover.fg = brightBlue;
+ success = {
+ http.fg = brightGreen;
+ https.fg = brightGreen;
+ };
+ warn.fg = brightYellow;
+ error.fg = brightRed;
+ };
+ };
+ tabs = rec {
+ = black;
+ even = {
+ bg = black;
+ fg = white;
+ };
+ odd = with even; {inherit bg fg;};
+ selected = rec {
+ even = {
+ bg = white;
+ fg = black;
+ };
+ odd = with even; {inherit bg fg;};
+ };
+ pinned = rec {
+ even = {
+ bg = brightBlack;
+ fg = brightWhite;
+ };
+ odd = with even; {inherit bg fg;};
+ };
+ indicator = {
+ start = green;
+ stop = yellow;
+ error = red;
+ system = "none";
+ };
+ };
+ webpage = {
+ bg = "white";
+ darkmode = {
+ enabled = false;
+ algorithm = "lightness-cielab";
+ contrast = 0.0;
+ grayscale = {
+ all = false;
+ images = 0.0;
+ };
+ policy = {
+ images = "smart";
+ page = "smart";
+ };
+ threshold = {
+ background = 0;
+ text = 256;
+ };
+ };
+ preferred_color_scheme = "auto";
+ };
+ };
+ fonts =
+ (with config.fontScheme.monospaceFont; {
+ default_family = family;
+ default_size = (toString size) + "pt";
+ })
+ // {
+ web = with config.fontScheme; {
+ family = rec {
+ standard = sans_serif;
+ fixed =;
+ serif =;
+ sans_serif =;
+ cursive = null;
+ fantasy = null;
+ };
+ size = rec {
+ default = sansSerifFont.size;
+ default_fixed = monospaceFont.size;
+ minimum = 0;
+ minimum_logical = default / 2;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ // mapListToAttrs (_: "default_size default_family") [
+ "completion.category"
+ "completion.entry"
+ "contextmenu"
+ "debug_console"
+ "downloads"
+ "hints"
+ "keyhint"
+ "messages.error"
+ ""
+ "messages.warning"
+ "prompts"
+ "statusbar"
+ ];
+ qt = mkIf kde.enable {
+ force_platform = null;
+ force_platformtheme = "KDE";
+ };
+ };
+ extraConfig =
+ (let
+ mkPaddingDictionary = {
+ name,
+ bottom,
+ left,
+ right,
+ top,
+ }: let
+ n = "c.${name}.padding";
+ b = "'bottom': ${toString bottom}";
+ l = "'left': ${toString left}";
+ r = "'right': ${toString right}";
+ t = "'top': ${toString top}";
+ in "${n} = {${b}, ${l}, ${r}, ${t}}";
+ final = map mkPaddingDictionary [
+ {
+ name = "hints";
+ bottom = 3;
+ left = 3;
+ right = 3;
+ top = 3;
+ }
+ {
+ name = "statusbar";
+ bottom = 1;
+ left = 0;
+ right = 3;
+ top = 1;
+ }
+ {
+ name = "tabs";
+ bottom = 1;
+ left = 6;
+ right = 6;
+ top = 1;
+ }
+ ];
+ in
+ concatStringsSep "\n" final + "\n")
+ + (let
+ allowSetting = setting: url: "config.set('content.${setting}', True, '${url}')";
+ allowMediaCaptureSetting = url: [
+ (allowSetting "desktop_capture" url)
+ (allowSetting "media.audio_video_capture" url)
+ ];
+ allowedMediaCapture = flatten (map allowMediaCaptureSetting [
+ ""
+ ""
+ ]);
+ allowNotificationsSetting = allowSetting "notifications.enabled";
+ allowedNotifications = map allowNotificationsSetting [
+ ""
+ ""
+ ];
+ final = allowedMediaCapture ++ allowedNotifications;
+ in
+ concatStringsSep "\n" final + "\n");
+ };
+ };