{ config, inputs, lib, pkgs, pkgsStable, this, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.emacs; in { options.nixfiles.modules.emacs.enable = mkEnableOption "GNU Emacs"; config = mkIf cfg.enable { nixfiles.modules = { fonts.enable = true; git.client.enable = true; gnupg.enable = true; }; hm = { xdg.configFile = { "doom/init.el".source = ./doom/init.el; "doom/packages.el".source = ./doom/packages.el; "doom/config.el" = { text = concatStringsSep "\n" [ (let # NOTE gopls will require the "go" executable which must be provided # by the project's flake/shell. extraBins = with pkgs; [ enchant # :checkers (spell +enchant) (python3.withPackages (p: with p; [ black # :lang python :editor format isort # :lang python pyflakes # :lang python python-lsp-server # :lang (python +lsp) ])) asmfmt # :editor format bash-language-server # :lang (sh +lsp) clang-tools # :lang (cc +lsp) :editor format cmake-format # :lang cc :editor format cmigemo # :lang japanese css-language-server # :lang (web +lsp) dhall-language-server # :lang (dhall +lsp) dockerfile-language-server # :tools (docker +lsp) editorconfig # :tools editorconfig fd # doom! gnuplot # :lang (org +gnuplot) gnutls # doom! go-language-server # :lang (go +lsp) gomodifytags # :lang go gore # :lang go gotests # :lang go gotools # :lang go graphviz # :lang (org +roam2) :lang plantuml html-language-server # :lang (web +lsp) html-tidy # :lang web jre # :lang plantuml json-language-server # :lang (json +lsp) nix-language-server # :lang (nix +lsp) nixfmt # :lang nix :editor format nodePackages.js-beautify # :lang web nodePackages.prettier # :editor format nodePackages.stylelint # :lang web nodejs # :tools debugger pandoc # :lang org markdown latex pinentry-emacs # doom! pre-commit # :tools magit ripgrep # doom! rust-analyzer # :lang (rust +lsp) rustfmt # :lang rust shellcheck # :lang sh shfmt # :lang sh :editor format sqlite # :lang (org +roam2) :tools lookup texlab # lang (tex +lsp) texlive.combined.scheme-full # :lang org tex unzip # :tools debugger wordnet # :tools (lookup +dictionary +offline) yaml-language-server # :lang (yaml +lsp) zls # :lang (zig +lsp) zstd # :emacs undo ] ++ ( # # GDB doesn't support[1] Apple Silicon on MacOS. # # [1]: https://inbox.sourceware.org/gdb/6b48224b-9e2e-518d-793b-df4fc5514884@arm.com/ if (this.system != "aarch64-darwin") then [gdb] # :tools debugger else [lldb] # :tools debugger ) ++ optionals (!pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) [ # NOTE Haskell is pretty much broken every couple of days on # MacOS and I usually don't write anything in Haskell while # I'm on my work laptop, so... ShellCheck seems to be working, # though. haskellPackages.ormolu # :lang haskell :editor format haskellPackages.haskell-language-server # :lang (haskell +lsp) haskellPackages.cabal-fmt # :lang haskell :editor format haskellPackages.cabal-install # :lang haskell haskellPackages.hoogle # :lang haskell ]; in '' ;; This will integrate packages which are required by various ;; modules without polluting the user's profile. (setq exec-path (append exec-path '(${ concatMapStringsSep " " (x: ''"${x}/bin"'') extraBins }))) (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":${ concatMapStringsSep ":" (x: "${x}/bin") extraBins }")) ;; Font must be set to N+2 because otherwise it looks too small. (setq doom-font (font-spec :family "${config.fontScheme.monospaceFont.family}" :size ${toString (config.fontScheme.monospaceFont.size + 2)}) doom-unicode-font doom-font) (setq user-full-name "${my.fullname}" user-mail-address "${my.email}") ;; :app irc (setq circe-default-nick "${my.username}" circe-default-realname "${my.email}" circe-default-user circe-default-nick) ;; :lang plantuml (setq org-plantuml-jar-path "${pkgs.plantuml}/lib/plantuml.jar") ;; :input japanese (setq migemo-dictionary "${pkgs.cmigemo}/share/migemo/utf-8/migemo-dict") ;; :input japanese (setq skk-large-jisyo "${pkgs.skk-dicts}/share/skk/SKK-JISYO.L") '') (builtins.readFile ./doom/config.el) ]; onChange = with config.hm.programs; '' if [[ -x "''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:~/.config}/emacs/bin/doom" ]]; then oldpath="$PATH" export PATH="''${PATH:-/bin}:${emacs.package}/bin:${git.package}/bin" "''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:~/.config}/emacs/bin/doom" sync export PATH="$oldpath" unset oldpath fi ''; }; }; programs.emacs = { enable = true; package = pkgs.emacs28; # Pin to avoid surprises. # For some reason latest libvterm is not picked up by Emacs. extraPackages = _: with pkgsStable.emacsPackages; [vterm]; }; }; }; }