{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.openssh; in { options.nixfiles.modules.openssh.client.enable = mkEnableOption "OpenSSH client"; config = mkIf cfg.client.enable { hm = { home.packages = with pkgs; [ mosh sshfs sshpass ]; programs.ssh = { enable = true; hashKnownHosts = true; controlMaster = "auto"; controlPersist = "24H"; serverAliveCountMax = 30; serverAliveInterval = 60; matchBlocks = let mkBlock = name: { hostname ? name, port ? 22022, # NOTE This is not the default OpenSSH port. user ? my.username, identityFile ? "${config.my.home}/.ssh/${my.username}_${my.ssh.type}", extraAttrs ? {}, }: nameValuePair name ({inherit hostname port user identityFile;} // extraAttrs); internalServers = mapAttrs' mkBlock (mapAttrs (name: _: { hostname = "${name}.${my.domain.shire}"; }) (filterAttrs (_: attr: hasAttr "wireguard" attr && attr.isHeadless) my.configurations)); in internalServers // (mapAttrs' mkBlock { gitolite = { user = "git"; hostname = "git.${my.domain.shire}"; }; }); }; }; }; }