{ config, lib, pkgs, this, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.profiles.default; in { imports = [ ./dev ./email.nix ./headful.nix ./headless.nix (mkAliasOptionModule ["colourScheme"] [ "nixfiles" "modules" "profiles" "default" "colourScheme" ]) ]; options.nixfiles.modules.profiles.default = { enable = mkEnableOption "The most default profile of them all." // { default = true; }; colourScheme = let mkColour = default: mkOption { type = types.str; inherit default; description = "Colour in a standard hexadecimal notation."; example = "#000000"; }; in rec { black = mkColour "#161719"; red = mkColour "#cc6666"; green = mkColour "#b5bd68"; yellow = mkColour "#f0c674"; blue = mkColour "#81a2be"; magenta = mkColour "#b294bb"; cyan = mkColour "#8abeb7"; white = mkColour "#c5c8c6"; brightBlack = mkColour "#969896"; brightRed = mkColour "#cc6666"; brightGreen = mkColour "#b5bd68"; brightYellow = mkColour "#f0c674"; brightBlue = mkColour "#81a2be"; brightMagenta = mkColour "#b294bb"; brightCyan = mkColour "#8abeb7"; brightWhite = mkColour "#ffffff"; background = black; foreground = white; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { assertions = [ { assertion = !(with this; isHeadless && isHeadful); message = '' The configuration cannot be both "headful" and "headless" at the same time. ''; } ]; nixfiles.modules = { bat.enable = true; eza.enable = true; htop.enable = true; tmux.enable = true; vim.enable = true; }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Moscow"; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ file tree ]; }; }