--- groups: - name: Redis rules: - alert: RedisDown expr: >- redis_up == 0 for: 0m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: Redis down at {{ $labels.instance }}. description: |- Redis instance is down. VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS = {{ $labels }} - alert: RedisOutOfSystemMemory expr: >- redis_memory_used_bytes / redis_total_system_memory_bytes * 100 > 90 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: Redis out of system memory at {{ $labels.instance }}. description: |- Redis is running out of system memory. VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS = {{ $labels }} - alert: RedisOutOfConfiguredMaxmemory expr: >- redis_memory_max_bytes != 0 and ( redis_memory_used_bytes / redis_memory_max_bytes * 100 > 90 ) for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: Redis out of configured maxmemory at {{ $labels.instance }}. description: |- Redis is running out of configured maxmemory. VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS = {{ $labels }} - alert: RedisTooManyConnections expr: >- redis_connected_clients > 100 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: Redis too many connections at {{ $labels.instance }}. description: |- Redis instance has too many connections. VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS = {{ $labels }} - alert: RedisNotEnoughConnections expr: >- redis_connected_clients < 1 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: summary: Redis not enough connections at {{ $labels.instance }}. description: |- Redis instance should have more connections. VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS = {{ $labels }} - alert: RedisRejectedConnections expr: >- increase(redis_rejected_connections_total[1m]) > 0 for: 0m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: Redis rejected connections at {{ $labels.instance }}. description: |- Some connections to Redis have been rejected. VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS = {{ $labels }}