{ lib, ... }: with lib; with packages; { default = final: prev: { bruh = prev.callPackage ./packages/bruh.nix { }; emacsql-sqlite = prev.callPackage ./packages/emacsql-sqlite.nix { }; git-extras = prev.git-extras.overrideAttrs ( _: super: { postPatch = (super.postPatch or "") + '' substituteInPlace bin/git-setup \ --replace 'Initial commit' 'chore: init' ''; } ); grc = prev.grc.overrideAttrs ( _: super: { version = "unstable-2021-08-12"; src = final.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "garabik"; repo = "grc"; rev = "4d6a51fd78ad7e19af8dd12b2a828d1807267079"; hash = "sha256-SmOZrgV0lgLryFoxADU15IKJ7jhxXar0MgbsV/z1GaE="; }; patches = (super.patches or [ ]) ++ [ (final.fetchpatch { url = "https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/garabik/grc/pull/214.patch"; hash = "sha256-VNr9jl5oFbFNJbGsjflwFV3oTbCzJ0lBIZA4eyeoXLY="; }) ]; } ); hiccup = prev.callPackage ./packages/hiccup.nix { }; lampray = prev.callPackage ./packages/lampray.nix { }; logcli = prev.grafana-loki.overrideAttrs ( _: super: { pname = "logcli"; subPackages = [ "cmd/logcli" ]; nativeBuildInputs = (super.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ [ final.installShellFiles ]; postInstall = (super.postInstall or "") + '' installShellCompletion --cmd logcli \ --bash <($out/bin/logcli --completion-script-bash) \ --zsh <($out/bin/logcli --completion-script-zsh) ''; preFixup = null; } ); myip = prev.callPackage ./packages/myip.nix { }; nixfiles = prev.callPackage ./packages/nixfiles.nix { }; nixfmt = prev.nixfmt-rfc-style; openssl_1_0_0 = prev.callPackage ./packages/openssl_1_0_0.nix { }; parinfer-rust = prev.callPackage ./packages/parinfer-rust.nix { }; telegram-desktop = (prev.telegram-desktop.override (finalAttrs: { stdenv = final.useMoldLinker finalAttrs.stdenv; })).overrideAttrs (_: super: { patches = (super.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./packages/telegram-desktop.patch ]; }); vesktop = (prev.vesktop.overrideAttrs ( _: super: { nativeBuildInputs = super.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ final.imagemagick ]; patches = (super.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./packages/vesktop.patch ]; postInstall = (super.postInstall or "") + '' rm -rf $out/share/icons/hicolor/* for size in 1024 128 256 32 512 64; do convert -scale $size $src/build/icon.png $size.png install -Dm644 $size.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/''${size}x''${size}/apps/vesktop.png done ''; } )).override { withSystemVencord = false; withTTS = false; }; }; }