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path: root/modules/rtorrent.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/rtorrent.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/modules/rtorrent.nix b/modules/rtorrent.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ef1b2..0000000
--- a/modules/rtorrent.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-  config,
-  lib,
-  libNginx,
-  pkgs,
-  ...
-with lib;
-  cfg = config.nixfiles.modules.rtorrent;
-  options.nixfiles.modules.rtorrent = {
-    enable = mkEnableOption "rTorrent";
-    flood = {
-      enable = mkEnableOption "Flood" // {
-        default = cfg.enable;
-      };
-      domain = mkOption {
-        description = "Domain name sans protocol scheme.";
-        type = with types; str;
-        default = "flood.${config.networking.domain}";
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  config =
-    let
-      user = "rtorrent";
-      group = "rtorrent";
-      baseDir = "/var/lib/rtorrent";
-      rpcSocket = "${baseDir}/rpc.socket";
-    in
-    mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
-      (
-        let
-          port = 50000;
-        in
-        {
-          ark.directories = [ baseDir ];
-          systemd = {
-            services.rtorrent = {
-              description = "rTorrent";
-              after = [
-                "network.target"
-                "local-fs.target"
-              ];
-              serviceConfig =
-                let
-                  leechDir = "${baseDir}/leech";
-                  seedDir = "${baseDir}/seed";
-                  sessionDir = "${baseDir}/session";
-                  logDir = "${baseDir}/log";
-                  configFile =
-                    let
-                      moveCompleted = getExe (
-                        pkgs.writeShellApplication {
-                          name = "move-completed";
-                          runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [
-                            coreutils-full
-                            gnused
-                            findutils
-                          ];
-                          text = ''
-                            set -x
-                            leech_path="$1"
-                            seed_path="$2"
-                            # seed_path="$(echo "$2" | sed 's@+@ @g;s@%@\\x@g' | xargs -0 printf '%b')"
-                            mkdir -pv "$seed_path"
-                            mv -fv "$leech_path" "$seed_path"
-                          '';
-                        }
-                      );
-                    in
-                    pkgs.writeText "rtorrent.rc" ''
-                      method.insert = cfg.leech,     private|const|string, (cat, "${leechDir}")
-                      method.insert = cfg.seed,      private|const|string, (cat, "${seedDir}")
-                      method.insert = cfg.session,   private|const|string, (cat, "${sessionDir}")
-                      method.insert = cfg.log,       private|const|string, (cat, "${logDir}")
-                      method.insert = cfg.rpcsocket, private|const|string, (cat, "${rpcSocket}")
-                      directory.default.set = (cat, (cfg.leech))
-                      session.path.set = (cat, (cfg.session))
-                      network.port_range.set = ${toString port}-${toString port}
-                      network.port_random.set = no
-                      dht.mode.set = disable
-                      protocol.pex.set = no
-                      trackers.use_udp.set = no
-                      protocol.encryption.set = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry
-                      pieces.memory.max.set = ${toString (pow 2 11)}M
-                      pieces.preload.type.set = 2
-                      network.xmlrpc.size_limit.set = ${toString (pow 2 17)}
-                      network.max_open_files.set   = ${toString (pow 2 10)}
-                      network.max_open_sockets.set = ${toString (pow 2 10)}
-                      network.http.max_open.set = ${toString (pow 2 8)}
-                      throttle.global_down.max_rate.set_kb = 0
-                      throttle.global_up.max_rate.set_kb   = 0
-                      encoding.add = UTF-8
-                      system.umask.set = 0027
-                      system.cwd.set = (directory.default)
-                      network.scgi.open_local = (cat, (cfg.rpcsocket))
-                      method.insert = d.move_completed, simple, "\
-                        d.directory.set=$argument.1=;\
-                        execute=${moveCompleted}, $argument.0=, $argument.1=;\
-                        d.save_full_session=\
-                      "
-                      method.insert = d.leech_path, simple, "\
-                        if=(d.is_multi_file),\
-                        (cat, (d.directory), /),\
-                        (cat, (d.directory), /, (d.name))\
-                      "
-                      method.insert = d.seed_path, simple, "\
-                        cat=$cfg.seed=, /, $d.custom1=\
-                      "
-                      method.set_key = event.download.finished, move_complete, "\
-                        d.move_completed=$d.leech_path=, $d.seed_path=\
-                      "
-                      log.open_file = "log", (cat, (cfg.log), "/", "default.log")
-                      log.add_output = "info", "log"
-                      log.execute = (cat, (cfg.log), "/", "execute.log")
-                    '';
-                in
-                {
-                  Restart = "on-failure";
-                  RestartSec = 3;
-                  KillMode = "process";
-                  KillSignal = "SIGHUP";
-                  User = user;
-                  Group = group;
-                  ExecStartPre = concatStringsSep " " [
-                    "${pkgs.coreutils-full}/bin/mkdir -p"
-                    leechDir
-                    seedDir
-                    sessionDir
-                    logDir
-                  ];
-                  ExecStart = concatStringsSep " " [
-                    (getExe pkgs.rtorrent)
-                    "-n"
-                    "-o system.daemon.set=true"
-                    "-o network.bind_address.set="
-                    "-o import=${configFile}"
-                  ];
-                  ExecStop = concatStringsSep " " [
-                    "${pkgs.coreutils-full}/bin/rm -rf"
-                    rpcSocket
-                  ];
-                  RuntimeDirectory = "rtorrent";
-                  RuntimeDirectoryMode = 750;
-                  UMask = 27;
-                  AmbientCapabilities = [ "" ];
-                  CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "" ];
-                  LockPersonality = true;
-                  MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true;
-                  NoNewPrivileges = true;
-                  PrivateDevices = true;
-                  PrivateTmp = true;
-                  PrivateUsers = true;
-                  ProtectClock = true;
-                  ProtectControlGroups = true;
-                  ProtectHome = true;
-                  ProtectHostname = true;
-                  ProtectKernelLogs = true;
-                  ProtectKernelModules = true;
-                  ProtectKernelTunables = true;
-                  ProcSubset = "pid";
-                  RemoveIPC = true;
-                  RestrictAddressFamilies = [
-                    "AF_UNIX"
-                    "AF_INET"
-                    "AF_INET6"
-                  ];
-                  RestrictNamespaces = true;
-                  RestrictRealtime = true;
-                  RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
-                  SystemCallArchitectures = "native";
-                  SystemCallFilter = [
-                    "@system-service"
-                    "~@resources"
-                    "~@privileged"
-                  ];
-                };
-              wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
-            };
-            tmpfiles.rules = [ "d '${baseDir}' 0750 ${user} ${group} -" ];
-          };
-          users = {
-            users.${user} = {
-              inherit group;
-              shell = pkgs.bashInteractive;
-              home = baseDir;
-              description = "rTorrent";
-              isSystemUser = true;
-            };
-            groups.${group} = { };
-          };
-          my.extraGroups = [ group ];
-          networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ port ];
-          boot.kernel.sysctl = {
-            "net.core.rmem_max" = mkOverride 500 (pow 2 24);
-            "net.core.wmem_max" = mkOverride 500 (pow 2 24);
-            "net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout" = mkOverride 500 30;
-            "net.ipv4.tcp_rmem" = mkOverride 500 (mkTcpMem 12 23 24);
-            "net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle" = 0;
-            "net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle" = mkOverride 500 1;
-            "net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse" = mkOverride 500 1;
-            "net.ipv4.tcp_wmem" = mkOverride 500 (mkTcpMem 12 23 24);
-          };
-        }
-      )
-      (
-        let
-          port = 50001;
-          pkg = pkgs.nodePackages.flood;
-        in
-        mkIf cfg.flood.enable {
-          nixfiles.modules.nginx = {
-            enable = true;
-            upstreams.flood.servers."${toString port}" = { };
-            virtualHosts.${cfg.flood.domain} = {
-              root = "${pkg}/lib/node_modules/flood/dist/assets";
-              locations = {
-                "/".tryFiles = "$uri /index.html";
-                "/api" = {
-                  proxyPass = "http://flood";
-                  extraConfig = libNginx.config.noProxyBuffering;
-                };
-              };
-              extraConfig = libNginx.config.internalOnly;
-            };
-          };
-          systemd.services.flood = {
-            description = "Flood";
-            after = [
-              "network.target"
-              "rtorrent.service"
-            ];
-            path = with pkgs; [ mediainfo ];
-            serviceConfig = {
-              Restart = "on-failure";
-              RestartSec = 3;
-              User = user;
-              Group = group;
-              ExecStart = concatStringsSep " " [
-                (getExe pkg)
-                "--allowedpath=${baseDir}"
-                "--baseuri=/"
-                "--rundir=${baseDir}/flood"
-                "--host="
-                "--port=${toString port}"
-                "--rtsocket=${rpcSocket}"
-                "--ssl=false"
-                "--auth=none"
-              ];
-              RuntimeDirectory = "rtorrent";
-              RuntimeDirectoryMode = 750;
-              UMask = 27;
-              AmbientCapabilities = [ "" ];
-              CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "" ];
-              LockPersonality = true;
-              NoNewPrivileges = true;
-              PrivateDevices = true;
-              PrivateTmp = true;
-              PrivateUsers = true;
-              ProtectClock = true;
-              ProtectControlGroups = true;
-              ProtectHome = true;
-              ProtectHostname = true;
-              ProtectKernelLogs = true;
-              ProtectKernelModules = true;
-              ProtectKernelTunables = true;
-              ProcSubset = "pid";
-              ProtectProc = "invisible";
-              RemoveIPC = true;
-              RestrictAddressFamilies = [
-                "AF_UNIX"
-                "AF_INET"
-                "AF_INET6"
-              ];
-              RestrictNamespaces = true;
-              RestrictRealtime = true;
-              RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
-              SystemCallArchitectures = "native";
-              SystemCallFilter = [
-                "~@cpu-emulation"
-                "~@debug"
-                "~@mount"
-                "~@obsolete"
-                "~@privileged"
-                "~@resources"
-              ];
-            };
-            wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
-          };
-        }
-      )
-    ]);

Consider giving Nix/NixOS a try! <3